Čenek Šlégl, a popular actor, ended up working as a coal mine worker and died in poverty and loneliness

Čenek Šlégl, a popular actor, ended up working as a coal mine worker and died in poverty and loneliness

Similar to his fellow actor and theater director Vlasta Burian, Čeněk Šlégl also ended up before the investigative commission of the Extraordinary People’s Court after the war. As early as 1933, he caricatured Hitler in his play Nice Please, They’ll Cut Me! He distributed anti-German leaflets, so after the rise of Nazism, the Gestapo had … Read more

Two holidaymakers pocket €26 million thanks to a flash EuroMillions grid

Two holidaymakers pocket €26 million thanks to a flash EuroMillions grid

Generally, holidaymakers see their wallets lighten during their holidays. But this is not the case for this couple, who are used to scratching games of chance. The duo, who wished to remain anonymous, won more than 26 million euros thanks to a EuroMillions flash grid validated on July 19 at Viriz, in Bagnères-de-Bigorre in the … Read more

Column: Relativization as medicine

Column: Relativization as medicine

As a farmer’s son, holidays still feel a bit like skipping school. And to think that I closed the stable door of my parents’ company behind me more than 36 years ago. In my folding chair overlooking the impressive mountains of Austria, I can also see farmers who are busy making food day in and … Read more

City of Lyon. Their building is full of bed bugs: “I don’t sleep at night anymore”

City of Lyon.  Their building is full of bed bugs: “I don’t sleep at night anymore”

Annick Charbonnier, 80 years old, has her body bitten by insects. She describes her hell, surrendering to her walker: “I don’t sleep at night anymore. I bite myself all the time, I scratch myself. My state of health does not allow me to go out during the day, I have to stay at home all … Read more

110 years since the start of the First World War. Czech soldiers in the Great War

110 years since the start of the First World War.  Czech soldiers in the Great War

On June 28, 1914, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian crown, Franz Ferdinand d’Este, was assassinated. After that Austria-Hungary gave Serbia an ultimatum. The ten demands were deliberately designed so that Serbia would not accept them and their refusal would allow the war to begin. On the evening of July 25, 1914, Serbian Prime Minister Nikola … Read more