Rising Gold Prices Threaten Amazon Rainforest and Indigenous Communities

Rising Gold Prices Threaten Amazon Rainforest and Indigenous Communities

BOGOTA/RIO DE JANEIRO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Rising gold prices are bad news for the Amazon rainforest. Demand for gold will heat up and illegal mining will increase, leading to deforestation and violence against indigenous communities. Rising gold prices are bad news for the Amazon rainforest. Pictured is an illegal gold mine in Itaituba, Brazil. … Read more

CEO of Man Group predicts more bank failures over the next two years.

CEO of Man Group predicts more bank failures over the next two years.

Luke Ellis, chief executive of British hedge fund giant Man Group Co. He indicated that he would. Taken last November. (2023 REUTERS/Tyrone Siu) [ロンドン 22日 ロイター] -Luke Ellis, CEO of Man Group, a major British hedge fund, said on the 22nd that the turmoil caused by the collapse of the US bank in Silicon Valley … Read more

More than $450 million withdrawn from Western funds by Credit Suisse.

More than 0 million withdrawn from Western funds by Credit Suisse.

A net outflow of more than $450 million from the 13th to the 15th from the US and European funds of the Swiss financial giant Credit Suisse, whose stock prices have plummeted due to financial instability, Morningstar said on the 17th. I found this out through direct research. (2023 REUTERS/Denis Balibouse) [ロンドン 17日 ロイター] – … Read more

Biden confirms upcoming discussions with China’s president Xi Jinping.

Biden confirms upcoming discussions with China’s president Xi Jinping.

In the wake of the intense geopolitical tensions between the US and China, Joe Biden has disclosed that he plans to hold talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping shortly. The Biden administration seeks to prioritize diplomacy over conflict as the two nations navigate their differences, and the upcoming conversation between the leaders of the world’s … Read more

Saudi Aramco’s net profit rises 46% year-on-year to record high

Saudi Aramco’s net profit rises 46% year-on-year to record high

Saudi Arabia’s state oil company Saudi Aramco announced on March 12 that it posted a record net profit of $161.1 billion in 2022, up 46% from the previous year. Soaring energy prices, increased sales volumes, and expanded refining margins provided tailwinds. FILE PHOTO: An oil facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, December 2019. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov DUBAI … Read more

Hot Stock: NYK Line is negative in the second half, medium-term shareholder returns are within expectations

Hot Stock: NYK Line is negative in the second half, medium-term shareholder returns are within expectations

[Tokyo 10th Reuters]-Nippon Yusen turned negative in the second half. The medium-term management plan for four years from fiscal 2023, announced on the same day, included the implementation of shareholder returns, but sales took precedence. Shares fell 4% at one point. An analyst at a domestic securities firm said in the market, “Maybe the president’s … Read more

Nikkei Stock Average rebounds in the morning, easing fears of re-acceleration of US interest rate hikes, high for the first time in two and a half months | Reuters

Nikkei Stock Average rebounds in the morning, easing fears of re-acceleration of US interest rate hikes, high for the first time in two and a half months | Reuters

On the morning of the 3rd, the Nikkei average rebounded to 27,898.37 yen, up 399.50 yen from the previous business day in the Tokyo stock market. This photo was taken at the Tokyo Stock Exchange in October 2020. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon [Tokyo 3rd Reuters]- The Nikkei average rebounded to 27,898.37, up 399.50 from the previous business … Read more

Tesla shares drop 7%, expectations fall without low-priced car announcement | Reuters

Tesla shares drop 7%, expectations fall without low-priced car announcement | Reuters

US electric vehicle (EV) major Tesla shares fell about 7% in the market on the 2nd. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk and others gave a four-hour presentation at an investor briefing on Wednesday, but did not reveal plans for the much-anticipated low-cost model. (Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann/, 2023) [2日 ロイター] – US electric vehicle (EV) giant Tesla … Read more

[Market Eye]Stocks: Nikkei Stock Average declines further, temporary 100 yen depreciation Semiconductor stocks are weak | Reuters

[Market Eye]Stocks: Nikkei Stock Average declines further, temporary 100 yen depreciation Semiconductor stocks are weak | Reuters

[東京 2日 ロイター] – <10:49> 日経平均は下げ幅拡大、一時100円安 半導体株株が軟調 日経平均はマイナス転換し、下げ幅を拡大している。前営業日比約60円安の2万7 400円台半ばで推移。寄り付き後、一時前日比で100円超高となる場面もみられたが 、その後は値を消し、売りが優勢となっている。指数寄与度の高い半導体株が軟調で、指 数の重しとなっているほか、指数寄与度の大きいファーストリテイリングが上げ 幅を縮小している。 前日の米国市場では、長期金利が一時4%を超えたことから、ハイテク関連や半導体 株が下落し、日本市場でもその流れを引き継いでいる。個別では、東京エレクトロンが1.3%安、アドバンテストが0.6%安となっている。 一方、セクター別では非鉄金属、鉄鋼、海運業などがしっかり。市場では、米中の経 済指標の堅調さが確認されたことで、「米国の金融引き締めを受けても世界景気が悪化し ないとの見方が素材セクターや景気敏感セクターの支えとなっているのではないか」(国 内証券・ストラテジスト)との指摘が聞かれた。 <09:06> 日経平均は3日続伸で寄り付く、指数寄与度の高い銘柄が堅調 寄り付きの東京株式市場で日経平均は、前営業日比48円29銭高の2万7564円 82銭と、3日続伸してスタートした。指数寄与度の大きい銘柄の一角がしっかりで、相 場を支えている。一方、前日の米市場でハイテク株比率の高いナスダック総合が 下落した流れを引き継ぎ、半導体関連株は値下がりしている。 個別では、ファーストリテイリングが2.7%高で堅調。ソフトバンクグル ープは小幅安、主力のトヨタ自動車は前日の終値付近で推移している。 東京エレクトロン、アドバンテストは小安い。 <08:20> 寄り前の板状況、菱化工機は買い優勢 三桜工は売り優勢 東証プライム市場の寄り前の板状況では、買い優勢と売り優勢のそれぞれ上位銘柄群 は以下の通り。 買い優勢 銘柄名 騰落 MID 買気 売気 終値 率 気配 配 配 1 三菱化工機 21% 2,78 2,77 2,78 2,29 0 9 0 6 2 安永 19% 936 936 936 786 3 … Read more

Norwegian police detain Greta temporarily during protest demonstration | Reuters

Norwegian police detain Greta temporarily during protest demonstration | Reuters

Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg was detained twice by police during a protest in support of indigenous human rights in the Norwegian capital Oslo on the 1st. FILE PHOTO: Oslo, 2023. REUTERS/Alf Simensen/NTB/via REUTERS OSLO (Reuters) – Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg was twice detained by police on Wednesday during a protest in support of … Read more