Alarming Increase in Suicides in Singapore: Causes, Statistics, and Solutions

Alarming Increase in Suicides in Singapore: Causes, Statistics, and Solutions

Jakarta – Singapore has reported the highest number of suicides in more than 20 years. Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) reported 476 cases throughout 2022, this record was reported Saturday (1/7/2023). “The number of suicides last year is a concerning increase, up 25.9 percent from the 378 cases reported in 2021,” SOS said in a media … Read more

The UI student who jumped from the 18th floor of the apartment posted an apology

The UI student who jumped from the 18th floor of the apartment posted an apology

Jakarta – The following information is not intended to inspire anyone to take similar action. If you feel symptoms of depression with tendencies in the form of suicidal thoughts, immediately consult your problem with those who can help, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or health clinic. University of Indonesia Student (UI) initials MPD died after … Read more

14-year-old girl commits suicide after her video is bullied viral

14-year-old girl commits suicide after her video is bullied viral

Jakarta – Adolescence, he said, is a beautiful time, filled with friendship and puppy love that makes you smile. But what happened to this 14-year-old girl was just the opposite. Adriana Kuch is a student at Central Regional High School in Berkeley Township. He was found dead at his home two days after the attack … Read more

The “angels” who saved José, a man from Miere who tried to commit suicide three times: “It’s a dark tunnel, you have to ask for help”

The “angels” who saved José, a man from Miere who tried to commit suicide three times: “It’s a dark tunnel, you have to ask for help”

José Ramón García owes his life to a dog that is no longer on Earth. To “Lady”, a Yorkshire that followed him to the mountain one of the days that he thought of ending everything. She looked into her eyes, seemed to say “stay.” And he stayed, brave. José Ramón García is a survivor. He … Read more

Romeo-Juliet Ciputat Suicide holds hands at Hotel Oyo, leaves a will

Romeo-Juliet Ciputat Suicide holds hands at Hotel Oyo, leaves a will

Jakarta, Insertlive – A loving couple caused a stir among residents after they were found dead in a hotel in the Ciputat area of ​​South Tangerang on Tuesday (3/1). The couple who were found dead were named Reynaldi Agustinus and Tri Putri Napitupulu. Police suspect the couple died by suicide. Not only that, the police … Read more