Hu Hetao scored a goal in the warm-up match of the second U20 national football team and defeated Syria 1-0 in the 4 warm-up matches._Competition_China_U20 Men’s Football

Hu Hetao scored a goal in the warm-up match of the second U20 national football team and defeated Syria 1-0 in the 4 warm-up matches._Competition_China_U20 Men’s Football

Original title: Hu Hetao scored a goal in the warm-up match of the second U20 national football team and defeated Syria 1-0 in the 4 warm-up matches. Do you want to receive such sports information and commentary every day? Please click Follow in the upper right corner of this article, thank you for your support. … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Tact is a must for Sagittarius, unplanned purchases for Capricorns

Alena’s horoscope: Tact is a must for Sagittarius, unplanned purchases for Capricorns

ARIES At the workplace, put aside your tasks until noon and finish the work you started a while ago. You have decided to visit your friends in the evening, but without your family, and this will make them nervous and worried. Promise them you won’t be too late and you’ll be home for dinner. Be … Read more

“Another world is possible”

“Another world is possible”

The Frankfurt Institute for Social Research (IfS) has stood for a critical analysis of social conditions for 100 years. According to the current director, the sociologist Stephan Lessenich, the intellectual legacy of its protagonists Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse or Freud still shapes the work today. Professor Lessenich, for a year and a half you have been … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Financial receipts for Leos, Virgos with success beyond expectations

Alena’s horoscope: Financial receipts for Leos, Virgos with success beyond expectations

ARIES Unwanted meetings make you nervous from the morning. Be patient, listen to the visitors who approach you cheekily, but refuse them your help. Then attend to your duties. Don’t let problems take over your mind. It is possible that you will reap professional and financial successes before noon. You have the opportunity to fix … Read more

U20 national football 10 people 0-1 UAE two warm-up matches are of higher quality Antonio is satisfied with the result – yqqlm

U20 national football 10 people 0-1 UAE two warm-up matches are of higher quality Antonio is satisfied with the result – yqqlm

Original title: U20 national football 10 people 0-1 UAE two warm-up matches are of higher quality Antonio is satisfied with the result Do you want to receive such sports information and commentary every day? Please click Follow in the upper right corner of this article, thank you for your support. In the middle of the … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Colleagues envy Sagittarius, blame Capricorns

Alena’s horoscope: Colleagues envy Sagittarius, blame Capricorns

ARIES Good luck is with you all day. At work, you encounter difficulties that you are able to overcome and cope with your duties. Do not share your plans with anyone if you are developing your own business. It’s time to realize that you are stronger when you keep your plans quiet, because that way … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Libras with labor feats, Scorpios with new achievements

Alena’s horoscope: Libras with labor feats, Scorpios with new achievements

ARIES Do not share with anyone if you won a large amount of money today, because you will be bombarded with requests for loans. Don’t show generosity. Consider all contracts, but do not sign them. You have a day ahead that will bring you income and recognition due to successfully completed negotiations and the signing … Read more

Record increase in the price of cheese and meat

Record increase in the price of cheese and meat

Inflation for the whole of 2022 is 16.9%, NSI announced Cheese has exceeded BGN 25 per kilogram, butter is over BGN 7.60 per 250 grams Eggs rose in price by 65% Food prices rose by 25.6% last year, the National Statistical Institute announced. And inflation for the whole of 2022 is 16.9%. In the case … Read more

Alena’s horoscope: Aquarians receive praise, Pisces in successful conversations

Alena’s horoscope: Aquarians receive praise, Pisces in successful conversations

ARIES Be careful if you have to make decisive business changes on the day off, because Mercury is in its retrograde motion and imposes restrictions, caution and moderation. Don’t make hasty business decisions. Take care of your elderly relative, take him to the doctor if necessary, communicate so that he gathers strength to continue his … Read more

Optimistic consumer gives New York stock markets a boost –

Optimistic consumer gives New York stock markets a boost –

NEW YORK (AP) – The stock exchanges in New York have traded with a profit after previous minuses. New data on consumer confidence in the United States boosted sentiment on the trading floors. Large banks were in the spotlight after the presentation of their quarterly results. The Dow Jones index ended 0.3 percent higher at … Read more