Unlocking Aspirin’s Role in Preventing Colorectal Cancer Recurrence: Key Findings from the ASCOLT Trial

Unlocking Aspirin’s Role in Preventing Colorectal Cancer Recurrence: Key Findings from the ASCOLT Trial

Aspirin’s Evolving Role in Colorectal Cancer Prevention: New Hope for Targeted Treatment The humble aspirin, a staple in American medicine cabinets for over a century, is once again making headlines, this time for its potential in the fight against colorectal cancer.While the idea of using aspirin for cancer prevention isn’t new, recent clinical trials, including … Read more

Exploring the Link: How Biological Aging Affects Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men and Women

Exploring the Link: How Biological Aging Affects Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men and Women

Accelerated Biological Age Linked to Increased Colorectal Cancer Risk, Study Shows Table of Contents Accelerated Biological Age Linked to Increased Colorectal Cancer Risk, Study Shows Understanding Biological age and Its Importance Study Methodology and Findings Researchers’ Perspective Limitations and Future Research Conclusion Expert Insights: Dr. Evelyn Reed on Biological Age and Colorectal Cancer Risk Unlocking … Read more

Inspiring Journey: 31-Year-Old Woman’s Battle with Cancer and the Symptom That Changed Everything

Inspiring Journey: 31-Year-Old Woman’s Battle with Cancer and the Symptom That Changed Everything

Colorectal Cancer in Young⁤ Adults: A rising ‍Concern ⁤ Colorectal cancer, frequently enough associated with older adults, ⁤is increasingly affecting younger individuals. This alarming trend is exemplified by⁤ the story of Bri Mahon, a⁤ 31-year-old mother from Newport Beach, California, who was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. Her journey sheds light on the ⁢subtle … Read more

Morning Miracle Drink Proven to Prevent Colon Cancer: Start Your Day Right

Morning Miracle Drink Proven to Prevent Colon Cancer: Start Your Day Right

A Daily Glass of Milk Could Reduce ⁢Colon Cancer Risk by 17%, Study Finds Colon cancer, the third most⁣ common cancer globally, claims nearly 1 million‌ lives annually. but a ⁢groundbreaking study published in Nature Communications suggests a simple dietary change could help combat this deadly ⁤disease: drinking a glass of milk daily. According to … Read more

Daily Glass of Milk Linked to Reduced Risk of This Cancer, Study Finds

Daily Glass of Milk Linked to Reduced Risk of This Cancer, Study Finds

A glass of milk a Day Could Slash Bowel Cancer Risk,Study Finds A groundbreaking study published ⁣in Nature Communications by researchers at ⁣the​ University of Oxford has revealed that consuming a‍ glass of ​milk daily could reduce ⁤the risk ⁤of bowel cancer by⁤ 17%. The findings, which analyzed the dietary habits of over‌ half a⁤ … Read more

Colon Cancer Spike in Twenties: Researchers Uncover Potential Cause

Colon Cancer Spike in Twenties: Researchers Uncover Potential Cause

Microplastics: A Potential‍ Link to Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer? Table of Contents Microplastics: A Potential‍ Link to Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer? Microplastics: A Hidden Threat to ⁢Colon ​Health? A Disturbing​ Trend: Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Microplastics: Everywhere⁤ we ⁢Look The Link Between Microplastics and Colorectal Cancer The Urgency for Further Research A disturbing trend is emerging: a sharp … Read more

These daily habits can promote colon cancer at an early age

These daily habits can promote colon cancer at an early age

Jakarta – Colon cancer attacks not only old people (elderly) but also young people. Internal medicine specialist, hematology-oncology consultant, Dr. Andhika Rachman SpPD-KHOM, said that the increase in the number of colon cancer cases under the age of 50 is related to an unhealthy lifestyle. This is often ignored until it is finally treated too … Read more

Trends in childhood colorectal cancer are a cause for concern, doctors clarify this

Trends in childhood colorectal cancer are a cause for concern, doctors clarify this

Jakarta – Colorectal or colon cancer has long been associated with disease in the elderly, especially those over the age of 65. However, since the 1990s, the incidence or frequency of cases has been increasing among adults under the age of 50 years. Tufts University gastroenterologist Joel Mason revealed that rectal bleeding during bowel movements, … Read more

Cases of colon cancer at a young age are increasing, be aware of the symptoms

Cases of colon cancer at a young age are increasing, be aware of the symptoms

Jakarta – Not only does colorectal cancer or colon cancer now attack the elderly, but young people under the age of 50 can also experience it. Oncologist and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Kimmie Ng said that the incidence of colorectal cancer in the world has increased by 2 to 3 percent … Read more

4 Important Things Researchers Suggest to Reduce Cancer Risk

4 Important Things Researchers Suggest to Reduce Cancer Risk

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – One factor cancer risk is hereditary. However, research has shown that almost half of cases are caused by behavioral risk factors, which means that they can be prevented. Doctors recommend several common lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, eating nutritious foods, protecting yourself from the sun, and preventing carcinogens. Researchers at Mass … Read more