These daily habits can promote colon cancer at an early age

These daily habits can promote colon cancer at an early age

Jakarta – Colon cancer attacks not only old people (elderly) but also young people. Internal medicine specialist, hematology-oncology consultant, Dr. Andhika Rachman SpPD-KHOM, said that the increase in the number of colon cancer cases under the age of 50 is related to an unhealthy lifestyle. This is often ignored until it is finally treated too … Read more

What about ‘colostomy’… 33,000 people develop colon cancer every year, what are their worst habits?

What about ‘colostomy’… 33,000 people develop colon cancer every year, what are their worst habits?

Poor diet, prolonged sitting time, risk of rectal cancer input 2024.11.08 14:08 input 2024.11.08 14:08correction 2024.11.08 14:46 Views 1,873 Symptoms of colon cancer include 1) Changes in bowel habits, such as sudden difficulty passing stool or changes in the frequency of bowel movements 2) Diarrhea, constipation, an uncomfortable feeling as if stool remains after defecation … Read more

Trends in childhood colorectal cancer are a cause for concern, doctors clarify this

Trends in childhood colorectal cancer are a cause for concern, doctors clarify this

Jakarta – Colorectal or colon cancer has long been associated with disease in the elderly, especially those over the age of 65. However, since the 1990s, the incidence or frequency of cases has been increasing among adults under the age of 50 years. Tufts University gastroenterologist Joel Mason revealed that rectal bleeding during bowel movements, … Read more

Emotional Farewell: Eelco’s Unique Funeral Playlist Reflects Life’s Struggles and Triumphs

Emotional Farewell: Eelco’s Unique Funeral Playlist Reflects Life’s Struggles and Triumphs

Final agreement By Hanneke Mijnster·0 minutes ago·Modified: 0 minutes ago © Self portrait RTL Death is a part of life, although we like to put it off as long as possible. Have you ever thought about the soundtrack of your life? Every week a reader gives us an insight into his last chord. Eelco (65) … Read more

Avoid 5 foods that may increase your risk of colon cancer, including fried foods and red meat

Avoid 5 foods that may increase your risk of colon cancer, including fried foods and red meat

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Colon cancer is a condition caused by cells in the colon or rectum to grow uncontrollably and form a malignant tumor. Colon cancer is also known as colorectal cancer. In 2023, the American Cancer Society (ACS) reported that 20 percent of colon cancer diagnoses in 2019 occurred in patients under 55 years … Read more

Biography of a woman with stage 4 colon cancer at the age of 24, knowledge of these symptoms

Biography of a woman with stage 4 colon cancer at the age of 24, knowledge of these symptoms

Jakarta – Being diagnosed with colon cancer was like nothing Carly Barrett had ever imagined. His very young age made him feel that the condition he was suffering from was not a sign of cancer. It’s just that he continues to experience complaint after complaint. Starting from bloody stool, stomachache, weight loss to a strange … Read more

Cases of colon cancer at a young age are increasing, be aware of the symptoms

Cases of colon cancer at a young age are increasing, be aware of the symptoms

Jakarta – Not only does colorectal cancer or colon cancer now attack the elderly, but young people under the age of 50 can also experience it. Oncologist and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Kimmie Ng said that the incidence of colorectal cancer in the world has increased by 2 to 3 percent … Read more

It cannot be accepted. “Colon cancer” even if he eats good food, but the child reveals his favorite “meat” The doctor still shakes his head.

It cannot be accepted. “Colon cancer” even if he eats good food, but the child reveals his favorite “meat” The doctor still shakes his head.

A 50-year-old man admits he has not been found. “Colon cancer” although he ate good food in time, the son quickly revealed the “meat” he used to eat often. Mr. Li, a 50-year-old man living in Beijing, China, looks younger than his years. a fit body And he rarely gets sick. When people around him … Read more

Two types of food reduce the incidence of bowel cancer

Two types of food reduce the incidence of bowel cancer

New research suggests that meat and dairy may help Colon cancer preventionaccording to the same website my health. The report explained that there is interest in the relationship between… Diet Health is an important issue, with many studies done that have discovered how our food choices affect various diseases. An innovative study by a Japanese … Read more

Hematology and Oncology | The bell of La Fe hospital

Hematology and Oncology | The bell of La Fe hospital

The first bells “for health” at the La Fe Hospital in Valencia / LEVANTE-EMV Right in the middle of the hallway that separates the areas of Hematology and Oncology from the Day Hospital of Faith There is a bell with a sign next to it, which indicates that it should be rung three times when … Read more