862,360 Andalusians accepted colon cancer screening

862,360 Andalusians accepted colon cancer screening

The Minister of Health and Consumption of the Junta de AndalucĂ­a, Catherine Garciasaid this Thursday that, “thanks to the promotion and dissemination campaigns and the responsibility of the Andalusians”, in the last year, the Cancer Strategy in Andalusia has managed to double the acceptance rate for colon cancer screening invitations. Currently, the colon cancer screening … Read more

Tonsillitis- Hossam Mowafi explains the treatment methods

Tonsillitis- Hossam Mowafi explains the treatment methods

Dr. Hossam Mowafi, a professor of critical cases at Kasr Al-Ainy College of Medicine, confirmed that tonsillitis not only affects children, adults can get it too. Read also: Rheumatism threatens you.. Causes and treatment of tonsillitis in adults Mowafi said, during his host of the “Bab Al-Khalq” program, hosted by journalist Mahmoud Saad, that tonsillitis … Read more

Who Can Get Colon Cancer? Know your risks

Who Can Get Colon Cancer?  Know your risks

Reporter: Makruf| Publisher: Makruf| Friday 12-30-2022, 08:39 WIB Anyone can get colon cancer, image by JimCoote from Pixabay– JAKARTA, FIN.CO.ID – Can anyone get colon cancer? You might be looking for this answer because you just saw the news in the media. Well, whatever your reason, it’s important to find out who may have colon … Read more

Feel the lump on the right side of your stomach? It could be a symptom of colon cancer

Feel the lump on the right side of your stomach?  It could be a symptom of colon cancer

Colon cancer can be characterized by a lump on the right side of the abdomen. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer it begins in the colon and rectum. As a result, many of the initial symptoms are visible when using the toilet, such as blood in the stool. Other than that, … Read more