Fatal Result! The combination of smoking and drinking coffee can damage your body faster

Fatal Result!  The combination of smoking and drinking coffee can damage your body faster

Jakarta: For those of you who are active smokers and addicted to coffee, surely combining these two combinations is something you usually do, right? Especially if you already have a partner like fried foods and other snacks. It turns out that this combination of habits can trigger harm to the body! Smoking and coffee consumption … Read more

Buy Americano Coffee at a Cafe, This Customer Maki Barista Because You Get a Small Cup

Buy Americano Coffee at a Cafe, This Customer Maki Barista Because You Get a Small Cup

Jakarta – One person barista reaps praise for his calm demeanor when resolving customer issues. The reason is, customers are faced with tantrums because they get small coffee cups. It is a risk for a cafe barista or restaurant waitress to face various customer attitudes. If you are unlucky, it could be that the barista … Read more

8 benefits of lemon water in the morning, helps freshen breath and prevent kidney stones

8 benefits of lemon water in the morning, helps freshen breath and prevent kidney stones

Illustration of lemon water. Shutterstock/iravgustin www.merdeka.com – Small changes in our routine can have a big impact on our health. A simple example is consuming air lemon the morning. Because besides being refreshing, there are also benefits of lemon water in the morning. Lemon water is truly a much loved drink. This drink will be … Read more

What happens to your body if you exceed 4 cups of coffee a day?.. “Health” replies • Al Marsad Journal

What happens to your body if you exceed 4 cups of coffee a day?.. “Health” replies • Al Marsad Journal

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Ministry of Health has warned during an infographic posted on its Twitter account of the danger of excessive daily coffee consumption. The ministry said the amount of coffee consumed during the day should not exceed 4 cups, as it has a direct impact on public health, especially heart health. He pointed out … Read more

Coffee is good for health: it lengthens life, reduces the risk of diabetes and promotes heart health

Coffee is good for health: it lengthens life, reduces the risk of diabetes and promotes heart health

A recent study revealed that drinking coffee every day can increase life expectancy by 6%, as coffee is a popular hot beverage enjoyed around the world, while many appreciate the beverage as a way to improve alertness and a new research suggests it may have major benefits, academics and nutritionists recommend this beverage as a … Read more

Warning… Coffee doubles the risk of death for sufferers of this common disease • Al Marsad newspaper

Warning… Coffee doubles the risk of death for sufferers of this common disease • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: A team of scientists from Japan’s Osaka University has found that drinking coffee doubles the risk of death for people with a sharp increase in blood pressure level. The Journal of the American Heart Association notes that previous studies have shown that drinking one cup of coffee a day increases the likelihood of … Read more

In Berlin, a giant aquarium crashed, killing up to 1,500 tropical fish. video

In Berlin, a giant aquarium crashed, killing up to 1,500 tropical fish.  video

As a result, 1 million liters of water leaked from the aquarium and glass and other debris were thrown out of the building, which also houses a hotel and café. The exact cause of the crash is still unclear. It is assumed that due to the low temperature of -10 ° C a crack appeared … Read more