According to the latest research and evaluations in many provinces and cities, the first wave of infection peaks has been passed smoothly, and the number of fever clinics continues to decline.

Original title: The latest research and judgments in many provinces and cities say that the first wave of infection peaks passed without a hitch (topic) The number of fever clinics continues to decline and the peak in rural areas in some provinces is later than in cities (subtitle) main text/Beijing Daily YouthReporter Li Tiezhu Since … Read more

Fresh start in Viersen after leaving care

Fresh start in Viersen after leaving care

Blue coats, gloves, masks, a sterile environment: a photo shows exactly the work that Kamil Albrecht (36) from Süchteln has been doing for a long time. He is now he is behind the camera. Albrecht planned to leave nursing in late 2021, swapping medicine for marketing and resuscitation for editing. In early 2022, Albrecht turned … Read more

Before travelling, complete your vaccination schedule

With the beginning of the summer season, many people will take their holidays outside our country; Having the complete vaccination schedule is essential to take care of travellers’ health. With the recent increase in cases of respiratory symptoms in the country and the start of the summer season, the recommendation to complete vaccination doses, mainly … Read more