«GenossenSchaffen» helps in the search for affordable housing

«GenossenSchaffen» helps in the search for affordable housing

Karin Steiner Cora Olpe lived in England for many years and met her future husband George Roberts there. In 2020, the couple decided to move to Zurich, Switzerland. “That was when we started looking for an apartment,” she says. “Because of the pandemic, it was impossible to view vacant apartments anyway. But we were lucky … Read more

Bank protection, climate and education: These are the votes in Zurich on 22 September

Bank protection, climate and education: These are the votes in Zurich on 22 September

Cantonal vote Education Act This is what it’s about: The canton of Zurich supports people in training who cannot cover their living and training costs. Recognized refugees and stateless people can also benefit from this. However, those granted temporary admission with status F must have been in Switzerland for five years. Before that, they must … Read more

Why we should start capturing CO₂ in Werdhölzli

Why we should start capturing CO₂ in Werdhölzli

The local council did a great job for the referendum on September 22nd and ensured that eight votes were presented to the electorate. The voting “booklet” is quite thick at 96 pages. The SK TED/DIB committee, which I chair, has also discussed two voting proposals in advance: firstly, the EWZ loan of 300 million francs … Read more