“Ministry of Interior Implements Death Penalty for Terrorist Offenders in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province”

“Ministry of Interior Implements Death Penalty for Terrorist Offenders in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province”

Al-Marsad Newspaper – SPA: Today, the Ministry of the Interior issued a statement regarding the implementation of the death penalty for three offenders in the Eastern Province, as follows: God Almighty said: (The recompense of those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive to spread corruption in the land is only that … Read more

“RAAN Abogados Helps Families Regain Economic Solvency with Unknown Regulations”

“RAAN Abogados Helps Families Regain Economic Solvency with Unknown Regulations”

The increase in prices that has occurred in recent months, together with the also excessive rise in the Euribor, has caused an unsustainable economic situation for many families who cannot afford their usual expenses. RAAN Abogados helps citizens to recover their economic solvency by taking advantage of two regulations unknown to many. Given the incessant … Read more

Outraged Russian women ask Putin to remove mosque from their high-rise building extension

Earlier, the inhabitants of the same Russian town recorded a video petition to the dictator Putin with a request to save them from the dominance of the Tajiks. A group of women from Kotelniki near Moscow continues to unsuccessfully appeal to Putin, recording a video about how “terrible it is to live” in modern Russia, … Read more

Citizens react: “It is not only honorable for Patra… its Marina”

Citizens react: “It is not only honorable for Patra… its Marina”

Citizens of Patras, who have set up the “Initiative for the Marina” Group, are expressing their indignation, seeking something to change the image it has had since the 2021 deadline. Addressing questions to the municipal authority, which has owned the Marina for the last few years and having collected signatures, they will soon be at … Read more

List of Total Operations and Detainees by Province in Spain (Almeria, Cadiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Málaga, Sevilla, Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Avila, Burgos, León, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid, Zamora, Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Toledo, Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona, Alicante, Castellón, Valencia, Badajoz, Caceres, A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, La Rioja, Ceuta, Melilla)

Select the provinceAlmeriaCadizCórdobaGranadaHuelvaJaenMálagaSevilla HuescaTeruelZaragoza Asturias Balearic Islands the palmsSanta Cruz of Tenerife Cantabria AvilaBurgosLeónPalenciaSalamancaSegoviaSoriaValladolidZamora AlbaceteReal cityCuencaGuadalajaraToledo BarcelonaGironaLleidaTarragona Alicante/AlicanteCastellón/CastellónValencia/Valencia badajozcaceres A CoruñaLugoOurensePontevedra Madrid Murcia Navarra Araba/AlavaBizkaiaGipuzkoa The Rioja CeutaMelilla Almeria (Andalusia) Total Operations Total Detainees Almeria (6) Huercal-Overa (1) Roquetas de Mar (1) The Ejido (2) Cadiz (Andalusia) Total Operations Total Detainees Algeciras (5) The Conception … Read more

Mangistau region entered the top three regions with the highest level of housing provision

Mangistau region entered the top three regions with the highest level of housing provision

As part of the monitoring, experts from the Ranking.kz news agency ranked the regions of Kazakhstan by the number of “squares” of housing commissioned in 2022, in terms of one inhabitant. – The availability and affordability of decent housing in Kazakhstan is one of the strategically important tasks. Accordingly, the solution of the housing problem … Read more

“CS Candidate for Mayor of Almería Commits to Universal Accessibility for All”

“CS Candidate for Mayor of Almería Commits to Universal Accessibility for All”

The candidate for mayor of Almería for Ciudadanos, Rafa Burgos, has held a meeting with ONCE workers in Almería to hear their demands in order to introduce their proposals in the CS electoral program. In this meeting, Burgos has defended the commitment of liberal education for universal accessibility in public administrations. “We advocate that all … Read more

“Two Citizens Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison and 100,000 Riyals Fine for Smuggling Khat and Pregabalin from Yemen into Saudi Arabia: Al-Marsad Newspaper”

“Two Citizens Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison and 100,000 Riyals Fine for Smuggling Khat and Pregabalin from Yemen into Saudi Arabia: Al-Marsad Newspaper”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Criminal Court in Najran sentenced two citizens to 10 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 riyals, after convicting them of smuggling a quantity of khat and pregabalin from Yemen into the Kingdom. In the reasons for the ruling, the court said that this crime is one of the criminal acts … Read more

“Two Citizens Arrested for Violating Environmental Law by Hunting Endangered Animal with Shotgun in Al-Baha Region”

“Two Citizens Arrested for Violating Environmental Law by Hunting Endangered Animal with Shotgun in Al-Baha Region”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Criminal Investigation and Investigation Department of the Al-Baha Region Police arrested two citizens who violated the environmental law, for hunting an endangered wild animal “porcupine”, and they were in possession of a shotgun. Regular measures were taken against them, and they were referred to the Public Prosecution. It is noteworthy that the … Read more

Another incident of urinating on a flight mate occurred while Indian citizens forgot their etiquette

Another incident of urinating on a flight mate occurred while Indian citizens forgot their etiquette

(24 News) Another incident of another passenger urinating on a passenger on a flight coming from America to India has come to light. According to details, a drunken passenger on an American Airlines flight from New York to New Delhi urinated on the passenger sitting next to him after repeatedly urinating on the passenger during … Read more