Fatal Result! The combination of smoking and drinking coffee can damage your body faster

Fatal Result!  The combination of smoking and drinking coffee can damage your body faster

Jakarta: For those of you who are active smokers and addicted to coffee, surely combining these two combinations is something you usually do, right? Especially if you already have a partner like fried foods and other snacks. It turns out that this combination of habits can trigger harm to the body! Smoking and coffee consumption … Read more

It turns out that these are 4 reasons why drinking coffee while smoking is not recommended

It turns out that these are 4 reasons why drinking coffee while smoking is not recommended

Solo – For some people, smoking while drinking coffee is like a tradition. According to detikFood, the habit can be harmful to health if done continuously. Apparently, here are 4 reasons why it is not recommended to drink coffee while smoking. 4 Reasons Don’t Drink Coffee While Smoking Quoted from detikFood on Friday (27/1/2023), here … Read more

Not “smokers” but why “lung cancer”?

Not “smokers” but why “lung cancer”?

From the case of Facebook users, “BorTor Baitoey” also posted about the experience of being sick. lung cancer the last stage, caused bysmell cigarette smokeby others when he was only 24 years old Assistant Prof. Dr. Wich Kasemsup, Director of the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management (TRC), explains the case that World … Read more

Vaping is as dangerous as cigarettes to your lungs, here are 4 impacts

Vaping is as dangerous as cigarettes to your lungs, here are 4 impacts

Surabaya – The solution for those who want to get rid of conventional cigarettes is vaping or electric cigarettes. Many say that vaping is harmless compared to conventional cigarettes. In fact, both are equally dangerous and can impact organs in the body, including the lungs. Because there are already misconceptions, many people often end up … Read more