The Mysterious Death of Oppenheimer: Throat Cancer and the Legacy of the Atomic Bomb

The Mysterious Death of Oppenheimer: Throat Cancer and the Legacy of the Atomic Bomb

Jakarta – Oppenheimer became a hot topic of conversation after the film made by Christopher Nolan was shown in Indonesia. The life story of the ‘father of the atomic bomb’ is in the spotlight because of his findings which became weapons of mass murder. Despite his controversy over the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer died at the … Read more

Rare Side Effect: Green and Hairy Tongue in Ohio Man Linked to Smokings and Antibiotics

Rare Side Effect: Green and Hairy Tongue in Ohio Man Linked to Smokings and Antibiotics

Jakarta – A man’s tongue in Ohio, USA, has turned green and hairy thought to be a rare side effect of smoking tobacco and taking antibiotics. The 64-year-old man went to a primary care clinic a few weeks after noticing his tongue was starting to change color. According to a study report published in the … Read more

How Smoking Affects High Cholesterol Levels: Understanding the Link

How Smoking Affects High Cholesterol Levels: Understanding the Link

High cholesterol is generally triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle, one of which is smoking. Illustration/Freepik photo JAKARTA – High cholesterol generally triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle and consuming too much saturated fat food. However, is it true that smoking also affects high cholesterol levels? Because smoking is an unhealthy lifestyle. Cigarettes are often touted as … Read more

Reevaluating the Role of Nicotine: Six Reasons to Stop Vilifying it as a Disease-causing Agent

Reevaluating the Role of Nicotine: Six Reasons to Stop Vilifying it as a Disease-causing Agent

With that in mind, we have six reasons to support that. It’s time to stop slamming “nicotine” as a disease-causing agent. Consumers want nicotine. but died from smoking Of course, we shouldn’t encourage people to start using nicotine. But public health authorities should not prohibit smokers who want to switch to e-cigarettes and other alternatives. … Read more

The Damaging Effects Of Electric Cigarettes on Respiratory Health, Explained by a Pediatric Pulmonologist in Jakarta

The Damaging Effects Of Electric Cigarettes on Respiratory Health, Explained by a Pediatric Pulmonologist in Jakarta

Jakarta – Some people think that the effects of electric cigarettes are lighter than conventional cigarettes. Even though it’s the same as burning cigarettes, electric cigarettes can also have bad effects on health, including in children who join in using them. Respirology pulmonology sub-specialist pediatrician, Dr. Dimas Dwi Saputro, spA, explained that the use of … Read more

“Nutritionists warn of chronic inflammation caused by diet and lifestyle choices”

“Nutritionists warn of chronic inflammation caused by diet and lifestyle choices”

Nutritionists warn that refined sugar, fried foods, processed foods, trans fats and cigarettes can all cause inflammation in the body. (Schematic / Shutterstock) If you want to maintain your health, you must start with a good lifestyle and diet. Nutritionist Xu Yuzhen pointed out that people think that eating sweets and fried foods will only … Read more

1,142 Areas in Depok Designated as Smoke-Free Zones by Health Agency

1,142 Areas in Depok Designated as Smoke-Free Zones by Health Agency

The Depok government in Indonesia has introduced seven non-smoking areas (KTR) in their efforts to protect the public from cigarette smoke and tobacco advertisements. The regional government has established KTRs in health service facilities, schools, children’s playgrounds, places of worship, public transport, offices, and public places. The aim of the non-smoking areas is to help … Read more

Cough that doesn’t go away, 1 in 5 of these things can be the cause |Republika Online

Cough that doesn’t go away, 1 in 5 of these things can be the cause |Republika Online

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Coughs caused by colds usually subside within three weeks. When cough If this happens for a long time, there may be other underlying health problems. Adults can be said to have a prolonged cough or chronic cough if they have a cough for eight weeks or more. Whereas in children, the cough … Read more

5 Signs of Lung Cancer Visible on the Skin, Smokers Must Be Alert

5 Signs of Lung Cancer Visible on the Skin, Smokers Must Be Alert

Jakarta – The lungs are one of the vital organs that are crucial for human survival. This organ plays a major role in the respiratory system and also the circulatory system in the human body. When the lungs have problems, many people are more familiar with the symptoms that arise in breathing, such as coughing, … Read more

The artist “Khaled Al-Rifai” reveals the nature of his serious illness due to smoking • Al-Marsad Newspaper

The artist “Khaled Al-Rifai” reveals the nature of his serious illness due to smoking • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Artist Khaled Al-Rifai revealed the nature of his serious illness due to smoking, indicating that he used to smoke 80 cigarettes a day. He said during an interview with the “Yahla” program broadcast on the Gulf Rotana channel: “I went to a private hospital, and the doctors told me that I had cancer. … Read more