Why Hot Showers Are Not Recommended After Jaw Surgery – Expert Advice and Precautions for Recovery

Why Hot Showers Are Not Recommended After Jaw Surgery – Expert Advice and Precautions for Recovery

생활건강 양악수술 후 뜨거운 물 샤워 안 돼… 이유는? 이슬비 기자 입력 2024/04/03 13:59 사진=클립아트코리아 턱관절 주변에는 많은 신경다발이 지나가, 턱관절을 움직이는 양악수술 후엔 다양한 합병증이 생길 수 있어 주의해야 한다. 양악수술은 위턱과 아래턱을 동시에 이동한다는 이름처럼, 위턱과 아래턱의 부정교합을 교정하는 수술이다. 주로 아래턱이 과도하게 앞으로 나온 주걱턱이거나, 아래턱이 너무 작아서 깊숙이 들어갔거나, 대칭이 맞지 … Read more

Mysterious Havana Syndrome: Unexplained Illness Affecting US Officials, Diplomats, and Military

Mysterious Havana Syndrome: Unexplained Illness Affecting US Officials, Diplomats, and Military

Havana Syndrome is a mysterious, unsolved disease. Photo/Reuters WASHINGTON – A top US military investigator Greg Edgreen told 60 Minutes that he believes US officials are suffering from Havana Syndrome. Edgreen, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, has looked into reports of Havana Syndrome. Edgreen notably led the Pentagon’s investigation into the syndrome, which officials called … Read more

The Impact of Diabetes on Lung Health: High Blood Sugar Levels Can Damage Your Lungs

The Impact of Diabetes on Lung Health: High Blood Sugar Levels Can Damage Your Lungs

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re asking. Can you please provide more information or clarify your question? 염증, 산화스트레스 등의 이상 반응이 일어난다”며 “이로 인해 폐혈관 내피세포 기능이 저하돼 폐 질환 발병 위험이‍ 높아진다”고 말했습니다. 당화 ​반응으로 인해 폐 기능이 약해지기도 합니다. ‌고혈당이 지속되면 폐와 흉곽의 단백질에 당이⁤ 들러붙습니다. 이로 인해 폐와 흉곽이 … Read more

A Study on the Effects of SREBP on LDL Cholesterol Levels

A Study on the Effects of SREBP on LDL Cholesterol Levels

Title: Groundbreaking Study Reveals New Insights into Cholesterol Levels Date: ⁣October 26, 2023 A ‍recent study has shed light on the importance of maintaining‌ healthy‍ cholesterol levels. The research, conducted by a team of scientists, ‍has uncovered ⁤groundbreaking findings that could revolutionize our understanding of cholesterol and its impact on our health. According to⁣ the … Read more

Understanding and Managing Oral Burning Syndrome in 50s Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Understanding and Managing Oral Burning Syndrome in 50s Women: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

50대 여성 A씨는 자고 일어나자 갑자기 입안과 혀가 화끈거리기 시작했다. 혀에 염증이 생겼나 싶어 확인했지만, 아무 이상도 없었다. 통증은 내내 이어졌고 오히려 통증이 나타나는 부위가 점점 넓어져, 병원을 찾았다. 그리고 “구강작열감증후군’을 진단받았다. 구강작열감증후군은 혀에 뚜렷한 이상이 없는데도 혀가 화끈거리고 얼얼한 질환을 말한다. 점점 증상 부위가 넓어진다면 빠른 시일 내에 구강내과를 찾아 원인에 맞는 치료를 받는 … Read more

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of θ and ڿܼ on Ǻȭ and ź

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Impact of θ and ڿܼ on Ǻȭ and ź

Title: Groundbreaking Research on Ǻο and Ÿ顦 Unveiled Date: October 19, 2023 Time: 14:00:00 In a recent development, groundbreaking research⁣ on Ǻο and ‌Ÿ顦 has been unveiled, shedding light on their significance and potential impact. The findings of⁤ this research have⁣ the potential to revolutionize various fields and open up new avenues for exploration. The … Read more

The Importance of Bed Hygiene: Maintaining Clean Bedding for a Healthy Sleep

The Importance of Bed Hygiene: Maintaining Clean Bedding for a Healthy Sleep

Title: Your⁤ Bed Could Be ​a Breeding Ground for Bacteria Subtitle: Proper Bedding Hygiene is Essential for a Healthy Sleep Date: October 17, 2023 We spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, making proper “bed hygiene” crucial. ⁤Failure ⁤to maintain clean bedding can increase the risk of ‍various illnesses. Beddings⁢ such as blankets​ and pillows … Read more

어린 시절 염증은 뇌 세포 발달에 영향을 미친다

어린 시절 염증은 뇌 세포 발달에 영향을 미친다

Severe inflammation during infancy has been found to increase the risk of ‌developing neurological disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia, according to ⁤a recent study. A research team from the University of Maryland ‌School of ⁣Medicine conducted a study to‍ investigate the effects of inflammation experienced during early childhood⁣ on the brain. The … Read more

The Link Between Severe Inflammation in Infancy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The Link Between Severe Inflammation in Infancy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Severe ​inflammation during infancy increases​ the risk ⁣of developing neurological disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia,‍ according⁣ to a recent ‍study. A research team from the University of Maryland School of Medicine conducted a study to investigate the effects of inflammation on the brain. They examined postmortem brain tissues⁣ from 17 children who … Read more

근육을 키우는데 단백질 섭취량과 시간의 중요성

근육을 키우는데 단백질 섭취량과 시간의 중요성

근육을 키우려면 단백질을 충분히 먹어야 한다는 건 상식이다.‍ 이에⁤ 닭가슴살과 단백질 보충제를 열심히 먹다 보면 필요 이상의 단백질을 섭취하게⁤ 된다. 많이 먹을수록 근육도 더 많이 생기는 걸까. 단백질을 많이 먹는대서 그게 다 근육으로 가진 ⁤않는다.‍ 단백질 ‍대사는 ‍‘아미노산 ‍풀’을 통해 ⁤이뤄진다. 아미노산 풀은 ⁢간과 혈액에 있어, 인체⁣ 내에서 즉시 사용될 수 있는 아미노산을 통칭한다. 골격을 … Read more