New Study Reveals the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

New Study Reveals the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

`; function initEngagently() { engagently.Configuration({ communityId: ‘nw9Ljb87d2’, defaultLanguage: ‘de’, translations: { de: { interpolation: { ‘messages’: ‘link‘ }, messages: { “log-in-to-comment”: “Melden Sie sich bitte an um zu kommentieren “, “discussion-preamble”: welcomeMessageHTML } } }, events: { onSetup: function (data){ let loader_container = document.querySelector(‘.loader-container’); loader_container.classList.add(‘nw-hidden’); loader_container.setAttribute(‘data-setup’, ‘1’) } } }); } function renderEngagentlyDiscussion(event) { if … Read more

German Consumer Sentiment Deteriorates Significantly Again Due to High Inflation and Economic Instability

German Consumer Sentiment Deteriorates Significantly Again Due to High Inflation and Economic Instability

After a brief improvement at the turn of the year, consumer sentiment in Germany has deteriorated significantly again. According to a current survey by the consumer research institute GfK and the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (NIM), the consumer climate in the forecast for February fell by 4.3 points to a value of minus 29.7 … Read more

Legal Dispute over Facebook Post about Former Mayor of Schrattenberg: Tatiana Fuchs Refuses to Comply

Legal Dispute over Facebook Post about Former Mayor of Schrattenberg: Tatiana Fuchs Refuses to Comply

Schrattenberg’s citizen list councilor Tatiana Fuchs received unpleasant mail these days: former mayor Johann Bauer’s lawyer asked her to delete a posting on Facebook from December 15th. If she doesn’t do that, he and his client would seek “legal help.” Before Christmas, Tatiana Fuchs posted the text of the poem that Bauer recited at the … Read more

Bert Dirkx Reflects on Closing His Luxurious Classic and Antique Store After 29 Years

Bert Dirkx Reflects on Closing His Luxurious Classic and Antique Store After 29 Years

Bert Dirkx does not yet know what the final moment is. “We have rented the building until April 1. But we don’t know what we still have to do to the building to deliver it. And if the store is empty before then, I won’t sit here in the window myself. Then it’s just done. … Read more

Future Success of Small Businesses Depends on Digitalization

Future Success of Small Businesses Depends on Digitalization

In the Federation of Business Entrepreneurs (FEC) they are very clear that the future of small businesses not only depends on quality and personalized attention, but that digitalization – in its many aspects – will be key for their good progress and for their success. future. That is why the organization has been offering its … Read more

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree 2023: Hours, Road Closures, and More

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree 2023: Hours, Road Closures, and More

NEW YORK — Christmas is a thing of the past, but many still want to visit New York City’s iconic Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller Center’s 91st Christmas tree will be at 30 Rockefeller Plaza until this Saturday, January 13, according to real estate giant Tishman Speyer, which owns the building. Crews will take … Read more

Jiří Krampol Admitted to Hospital on Second Day of Christmas

Jiří Krampol Admitted to Hospital on Second Day of Christmas

Jiří Krampol on the second day of Christmas, a sharp warming betrayed. “I felt weak when walking and I was afraid I would fall,” the actor admitted. His manager Miloš Schmiedberger took him to the hospital because he was afraid that he would fall and hurt himself. The actor continues to stay there even after … Read more

Zdena and Jiri Vondráček: A Heartwarming Family Story of Love and Support

Zdena and Jiri Vondráček: A Heartwarming Family Story of Love and Support

“For the past five years, Zdena and I have had a more intense relationship,” he confided to the newspaper Aha! composer. She lost her husband and son His older sister was widowed the year before. “They were together with their husband Zdenek in a nursing home in Mníšek pod Brdy. Now she is there, unfortunately, … Read more