4 Tips to Effectively Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Simultaneously

4 Tips to Effectively Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Simultaneously

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Many people have blood sugar also have high levels cholesterol tall one. It cannot be explained in detail cholesterol and blood sugar can influence each other. However, in one study published in the Lipi Research Journal, they found that blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol all interact with each other in the body, … Read more

6 Ways to lower cholesterol levels

6 Ways to lower cholesterol levels

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Cholesterol is produced in the liver and has many important functions in the body, including helping to keep cell walls flexible and needed to produce several hormones. Despite its many functions, high cholesterol levels will cause health problems, including increasing the risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Like fat, cholesterol is … Read more

Please try, 4 ways to lower cholesterol without drugs

Please try, 4 ways to lower cholesterol without drugs

KONTAN.CO.ID – Jakarta. Cholesterol has become a concern for many people these days. An unhealthy diet makes cholesterol levels exceed normal thresholds. Not surprisingly, more and more people are looking for ways to lower cholesterol. The body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells. However, cholesterol levels that are too high can increase the risk of … Read more

4 Steps to lower cholesterol without drugs

4 Steps to lower cholesterol without drugs

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Cholesterol is needed by the body to build healthy cells. However, cholesterol levels that are too high can increase the risk of various chronic diseases, such as heart disease. The reason is, high cholesterol can trigger fat accumulation in blood vessels. This buildup can lead to clogged arteries. This condition can inhibit … Read more

5 foods that cause high cholesterol to avoid

5 foods that cause high cholesterol to avoid

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Kelosterol is one disease which many people suffer. Basically, there are various things that can be the cause of it disease cholesterol, as food which contains cholesterol high. Food is one of the things that need to be considered for someone who has disease certain like cholesterol. Not all food safe for … Read more

Benefits and Benefits of Turmeric for Body Health

Benefits and Benefits of Turmeric for Body Health

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Turmeric is well known to the Indonesian people as one of the orange cooking spices or spices. Not only delicious food, turmeric or turmeric is a spice that also has various health benefits. You are probably already quite familiar with the benefits turmeric to alleviate distractions digestion. But not only that, rhizomes … Read more

Diet to protect the heart: reduce cholesterol and lose weight

Diet to protect the heart: reduce cholesterol and lose weight

Cholesterol and high blood pressure: 3 foods that keep them at bay– Adopt a varied and balanced diet, combining it with regular exercise, is the first fundamental step to stay healthy and prevent many diseases, including heart disease. In particular, there are several foods that protect the heart by affecting key factors such as blood … Read more

A humble product named as a powerful natural remedy for high blood pressure

A humble product named as a powerful natural remedy for high blood pressure

A modest, inexpensive product is a powerful natural remedy for high blood pressure, experts said. In controlling blood pressure, they note the “extraordinary benefits” of pumpkin seeds. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, which is why it is very important to prevent the condition of hypertension. What can you do … Read more

Don’t depend on drugs, here are 10 ways to quickly lower cholesterol naturally

Don’t depend on drugs, here are 10 ways to quickly lower cholesterol naturally

KONTAN.CO.ID – Jakarta. High cholesterol is a problem for many adults recently. Apart from using drugs, there are many ways to quickly lower cholesterol naturally. The main key to quickly lowering natural cholesterol needs to involve structuring a healthy diet and lifestyle. Reporting from Harvard Health Publishing, relying solely on drugs without being accompanied by … Read more