5 health benefits of garlic, including preventing heart disease and reducing blood fats

5 health benefits of garlic, including preventing heart disease and reducing blood fats

the Garlic It is one of the herbs grown around the world and is associated with onions, leeks, and chives, just as kitchen ingredients and fresh spices are not complete without garlic pods, fresh garlic, garlic powder and garlic oil are used to add flavor to foods and beverages, and during the following report 5 … Read more

Specialist: Cholesterol is beneficial, but there are limits

Specialist: Cholesterol is beneficial, but there are limits

Surabaya (ANTARA) – Internal medicine specialist, Dr. Denny Jolanda Sp.PD-KHOM said that cholesterol is beneficial, but there are limits to avoiding disease. “If the cholesterol level is excess, there will be a buildup of fat layers along the blood vessels. If this condition continues, the cholesterol that continues to accumulate will cause blood vessel constriction … Read more

5 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Scientifically and Easily

5 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Scientifically and Easily

Jakarta – High rate cholesterol bad in the body can endanger health. Here are 5 easy ways you can reduce bad cholesterol. The body’s cholesterol level needs to be watched out because it can endanger health. Bad cholesterol that is too high, usually will be the beginning of many diseases. Many cases of diabetes are … Read more

8 steps to help you lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy

8 steps to help you lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy

High blood cholesterol is one of the health problems that lead to serious complications, most notably heart disease. It occurs as a result of malnutrition, lack of exercise, poor sleep patterns and excessive stress, but the level of cholesterol can be controlled through appropriate lifestyle changes, according to a report from the website. time now … Read more

A woman lost 40 kilos in 5 months without a diet .. The secret?

A woman lost 40 kilos in 5 months without a diet .. The secret?

09:30 AM Sunday 24 January 2021 – A girl in India revealed to the local media the secret behind losing about 40 kilograms in just five months. Sana Shetty said during an exclusive interview with “The Times of India”: “I was shocked by the doctors’ diagnosis that I had high levels of cholesterol and blood … Read more

6 foods that help reduce cholesterol in the blood .. including orange juice

6 foods that help reduce cholesterol in the blood .. including orange juice

There are many foods that help lower cholesterol levels in the blood in different ways, especially soluble fiber .. Here are the most prominent foods that help lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, according to a report published by the website boldsky Almonds Almonds are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats because they contain … Read more

Beta-carotene to protect blood vessels – healing practice

Beta-carotene to protect blood vessels – healing practice

Carrots are healthy because they are rich in carotenoids such as beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body with the help of an enzyme. (Image: photocrew / stock.adobe.com) – Protect the blood vessels with beta-carotene? Beta-carotene (provitamin A) is a natural component in numerous types of fruit and vegetables. Caritonoids are assigned … Read more

Q&A..What are the ways to control high cholesterol in children?

Q&A..What are the ways to control high cholesterol in children?

Many of us believe that high cholesterol is a problem associated with aging and that it represents a health risk for adults only, but scientifically, the risks of high cholesterol can begin in childhood, and according to a time now news website, high cholesterol in the blood can lead to the accumulation of plaque. In … Read more

Four physical symptoms in a person may indicate high cholesterol

Four physical symptoms in a person may indicate high cholesterol

Yesterday, 14:30 | author: Ivan Egorov | Photo ru.depositphotos.com Cholesterol helps the body build healthy cells, but elevated levels increase the risk of heart disease. A number of signs will help to determine the critical level of cholesterol independently, the Express edition reported. According to doctors, most often patients complain of unpleasant pain. For example, … Read more

7 healthy recipes to reduce cholesterol .. protect you from heart disease and strokes

7 healthy recipes to reduce cholesterol .. protect you from heart disease and strokes

Cholesterol is a compound produced in the liver, which is good fats, an important component of living cells that are needed by the body’s functions, as it is responsible for hormone production and organ functions, but the body needs these good fats in a certain amount, and if the level of cholesterol exceeds the permissible … Read more