These 3 light and simple exercises have been proven effective in lowering cholesterol levels

These 3 light and simple exercises have been proven effective in lowering cholesterol levels

BOLMONG PORTAL – Until cholesterol that is high in the blood is associated with an increased risk of disease heart. In addition to the use of lowering drugs cholesterolyou can lower the rate cholesterol in the blood of various kinds sport. According to some recent research, sport There are several methods to lower the levels … Read more

Don’t Ignore It… Severe Symptoms in Your Legs Indicate Your Cholesterol Has Become a “Killer”

Don’t Ignore It… Severe Symptoms in Your Legs Indicate Your Cholesterol Has Become a “Killer”

Al-Marsad newspaper: The British Express website revealed severe symptoms in his legs, indicating that cholesterol has become a “killer”. Dr Rodney Foyle, Consultant Cardiologist at the Harley Street Clinic, said: “LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is known as ‘bad cholesterol’ because large amounts in the blood clog arteries and increase the risk of heart disease. or … Read more

Reduce cholesterol without drugs? You can, here are the tips!

Reduce cholesterol without drugs?  You can, here are the tips!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Cholesterol sufferers must choose their food very carefully to control the level of bad cholesterol or LDL, which can trigger various diseases such as heart disease. Basically the key to lowering high cholesterol is not medication, but a healthy diet and lifestyle. No wonder cholesterol sufferers can also lower their high … Read more

Treasury of vitamins.. Discovering a winter fruit that lowers cholesterol and burns fat

Treasury of vitamins.. Discovering a winter fruit that lowers cholesterol and burns fat

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Federal Nutrition Center has stated that the mandarin has many health benefits. As it is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens immunity, improves the absorption of iron from food, and promotes collagen production. The German Center indicated that tangerines also contain vitamins E, B12 and B7, also known as “biotin”, which are … Read more

A type of cheese that helps lower harmful cholesterol and blood sugar levels

A type of cheese that helps lower harmful cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A new study has revealed that Norwegian cheese “Jarlsberg” has more benefits for cholesterol and blood glucose levels, noting that this cheese does not work like other similar dairy products. The study found that the ‘Jarlsberg’ cheese type is characterized by a nutty flavour, and is a light, semi-soft cow’s milk cheese originating … Read more

5 symptoms that confirm high blood cholesterol.. 10 tips to control it

5 symptoms that confirm high blood cholesterol.. 10 tips to control it

Chances are you or someone you know is getting high cholesterol But it usually has no symptoms. This common condition can cause serious health problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, high cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death, and stroke, which is the fifth leading cause. … Read more

Note! These are normal cholesterol levels for young people

Note!  These are normal cholesterol levels for young people

Jakarta – Cholesterol doesn’t just attack the “elderly”, this disease can affect anyone, even children. Therefore, doctors recommend that people over the age of 20 regularly check their cholesterol levels. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 94 million adults in the United States (US) have high cholesterol. Cholesterol triggers a … Read more

5 Effective Fruits to Lower High Cholesterol at Night, Must-Store at Home

5 Effective Fruits to Lower High Cholesterol at Night, Must-Store at Home

Loading… Fruits that reduce high cholesterol must be stored at home. This fruit has been shown to be effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels which cause serious health problems. Photos/Getty Images JAKARTA – Fruit lowering high cholesterol must stock up at home. This fruit has been shown to be effective in lowering the rate cholesterol … Read more

Beware that tingling in your hands or feet can be a sign of high cholesterol, here’s how to overcome it

Beware that tingling in your hands or feet can be a sign of high cholesterol, here’s how to overcome it

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Who is this healthy friend who often feels tingling in his hands or feet? This condition is usually caused by high levels of cholesterol in the body. Because it thickens blood flow and affects the normal flow of nerves. High cholesterol is a type of lipid compound, a waxy substance, like fat, naturally … Read more

Popularization of a popular type of spice that lowers cholesterol, fights Alzheimer’s, fights cancer and burns fat

Popularization of a popular type of spice that lowers cholesterol, fights Alzheimer’s, fights cancer and burns fat

Al Marsad Newspaper: Turmeric is known to have many health benefits hundreds of years ago through ancient Chinese and Indian medicine. On the benefits of turmeric: 1. A powerful anti-inflammatory: One of the health benefits of turmeric has been shown to contain a wide range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal substances, as well as … Read more