Good Cholesterol Myth Busted: Surprising New Discovery

Good Cholesterol Myth Busted: Surprising New Discovery

HDL Cholesterol: A Surprising New Finding Table of Contents HDL Cholesterol: A Surprising New Finding HDL Cholesterol: New Research‍ Challenges⁣ Long-Held Beliefs HDL‍ Cholesterol: The “Good” Cholesterol May Not Be So Good after All Understanding​ Free‌ and Bound​ Cholesterol A Surprising Link to ​Heart Disease Risk Challenging Conventional Wisdom Implications for Cholesterol Management For years, … Read more

NIH Study Uncovers Breakthrough Insights on ‘Bad’ Cholesterol’s Role in the Body

NIH Study Uncovers Breakthrough Insights on ‘Bad’ Cholesterol’s Role in the Body

NIH Research Unveils New Insights into How “Bad” Cholesterol ⁣Functions in ‍the Body Table of Contents NIH Research Unveils New Insights into How “Bad” Cholesterol ⁣Functions in ‍the Body Revolutionary Discovery: Unlocking the Secrets​ of Heart Disease ⁣Prevention Revolutionary ‌Discovery: Unlocking ⁤the Secrets of Heart Disease Prevention Wednesday, December 11,‌ 2024 – A groundbreaking study … Read more

A cardiologist explains how to maintain a normal level of cholesterol in the blood

A cardiologist explains how to maintain a normal level of cholesterol in the blood

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Sergei Provatorov, a cardiologist and chief researcher at the National Medical Research Center for Cardiology in Russia, announced that heart diseases are directly related to the level of cholesterol in the blood. According to the newspaper “Izvestia”. He said: “Cardiovascular disease is directly linked to cholesterol. The more “bad” cholesterol a person … Read more

“I can’t even climb stairs with a 100kg body”… A woman who lost 32kg at age 60, said she lost it ‘like this’?

“I can’t even climb stairs with a 100kg body”… A woman who lost 32kg at age 60, said she lost it ‘like this’?

A woman who was close to 100kg… Diagnosed with arthritis, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol. She succeeded in a diet that she decided on because she was afraid she would die without being able to see her grandchildren grow up. input 2024.11.25 06:30 input 2024.11.25 06:30correction 2024.11.25 06:42 Views 1,115 Ciella, who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, … Read more

New therapy lowers cholesterol and reduces heart attacks and relapses

New therapy lowers cholesterol and reduces heart attacks and relapses

Federico II Study – Vanvitelli: the data attests that 1 in 5 people who survive a heart attack have a recurrence within the year. How the therapy works An Italian TA target-IT study coordinated by Prof. Pasquale Perrone Filard was presentedi (in the photo), director of the School of Specialization in Cardiovascular Diseases of the … Read more

Intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, but what should you keep in mind?

Intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, but what should you keep in mind?

The study was published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicineexamined how following a time-restricted diet, a form of intermittent fasting, may affect people with metabolic syndrome, helping them lose weight and control blood sugar. Weight loss effects from intermittent fasting Researchers asked participants to engage in time-restricted eating. That means you only ate 8 … Read more

The powerful fruit from China that regulates cholesterol and improves intestinal transit

The powerful fruit from China that regulates cholesterol and improves intestinal transit

Although its origin is not completely clarified, it is believed that the tangerine It is native to southwest Chinaalthough other studies mention that it could come from Southeast Asia such as Laos or the Philippines, according to the Government of Mexico website. According to the criteria of The cultivation of this citrus fruit spread to … Read more

High good cholesterol number = no need for medication? medical myths debunked! If you have cholesterol problems, do not enter the danger zone

High good cholesterol number = no need for medication? medical myths debunked! If you have cholesterol problems, do not enter the danger zone

High good cholesterol number = no need for medication? medical myths debunked! Do not enter the risk zone if you have cholesterol problems 47 CNEWS Convergence News Network Correspondent Chen Junkai / Reporting from Taipei There are many people in Taiwan who have cholesterol problems. Attending Physician, Department of Interventional Cardiology, Cathay Hospital Cardiovascular CentreHuang … Read more

These berries and autumn fruits reduce cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels and help lose weight – Nutrition

These berries and autumn fruits reduce cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels and help lose weight – Nutrition

Do you have trouble sleeping and your blood pressure is rising? Eat a thorn. If you want to increase vitality and maintain harmony, pay attention to quince. In autumn, the choice of tasty and healthy berries and fruits is the widest. Quince With the small amount of sugar, quince can be eaten up to 300 … Read more

The 5 best drinks to control heart health

The 5 best drinks to control heart health

More than 17 million people die Heart disease AndBlood vessels Every year, making heart disease the leading cause of death, these bad conditions are increasing Heart patientsmaintenance will be required Health of your heartMaintaining a good lifestyle and diet food system Balance reduces the risk of early heart disease. But if you already suffer from … Read more