High Cholesterol in Men Makes it Difficult for Mr P to Stand Up? These are the Facts

High Cholesterol in Men Makes it Difficult for Mr P to Stand Up?  These are the Facts

Jakarta – As long as the lifestyle that is lived is not healthy, every man is at risk of developing hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol. The consequences of high cholesterol in men should not be underestimated. Although the condition is rarely bothersome, over time it can lead to an imbalance of sex hormones. High cholesterol is … Read more

4 steps to healthy heart and reduce bad cholesterol

4 steps to healthy heart and reduce bad cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood. An accumulation of cholesterol levels that exceed normal levels can cause serious health risks, leading to heart attacks and strokes. cholesterollow-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the harmful type and increases the risk of heart disease, although medications can help improve cholesterol, Indian nutritionist Luvneet Batra highlighted that … Read more

7 Characteristics of High Cholesterol that You Don’t Realize Even though You Often Experience It

7 Characteristics of High Cholesterol that You Don’t Realize Even though You Often Experience It

Jakarta – High cholesterol levels sometimes do not show specific symptoms, so they are often not realized. In fact, some of the symptoms are quite common, such as fatigue and tingling. Even so, the symptoms of high cholesterol are important to know so that they can be treated immediately. If left untreated, sustained cholesterol levels … Read more

Do not ignore it.. 3 warning signs in your legs that indicate high cholesterol • Al Marsad Newspaper

Do not ignore it.. 3 warning signs in your legs that indicate high cholesterol • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Health experts revealed 3 warning signs that your leg pain is caused by high cholesterol. Warning signs include: 1- Mild and aching pain: The pain caused by claudication is usually mild and aching. You may also feel that your muscles are tired, or you have a spasm or muscle contraction. 2- Pain increases … Read more

Signs of High Cholesterol, One of which is a Purple Tongue

Signs of High Cholesterol, One of which is a Purple Tongue

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – High cholesterol can cause several health complications. Increased high cholesterol levels are often not realized because of the minimal symptoms that appear. High cholesterol causes plaque buildup in the arteries which can result in complications such as blood stasis or stagnant blood flow. This can be detected from the color change tongue. … Read more

Seriously Harmful New Year’s Vegetables 1/At first glance, health preservation “the disaster is hidden” The Sangao family is the most dangerous! One bite after another Super Mother Soup | Life | CTWANT

Seriously Harmful New Year’s Vegetables 1/At first glance, health preservation “the disaster is hidden” The Sangao family is the most dangerous! One bite after another Super Mother Soup | Life | CTWANT

According to the 100-year survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare on 22 counties and cities in Taiwan, 40% of the people gained nearly 2 kilograms after the Spring Festival. Therefore, every lunar year, people always pay attention to the high-calorie New Year’s dishes and snacks, and are afraid of fat meat. The … Read more

Three Signs of Leg Pain Caused by Cholesterol Buildup

Three Signs of Leg Pain Caused by Cholesterol Buildup

Symptoms of high cholesterol can be felt in the feet. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Leg pain can be triggered by various causes, one of which is high blood pressure cholesterol high in blood. However, this condition is often not realized. In fact, high levels of cholesterol in the blood can lead to serious health problems, ranging … Read more

Does taking cholesterol medication cause kidney failure?.. “The Tiger” answers and settles the controversy

Does taking cholesterol medication cause kidney failure?.. “The Tiger” answers and settles the controversy

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Consultant and Professor of Cardiology and Arterial Catheterization, Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, answered a question about whether taking cholesterol medications lead to kidney failure? Al-Nimr said, on his Twitter page, that one of the “rare” side effects of cholesterol drugs “in general” is the effect on kidney function, especially if, 1. The dose was … Read more

Pain in these 5 parts of the body can be a symptom of high cholesterol, be aware

Pain in these 5 parts of the body can be a symptom of high cholesterol, be aware

loading… Pain in several parts of the body can be a symptom of high cholesterol. These symptoms should not be ignored because cholesterol can cause health problems. Photos/Getty Images JAKARTA – pain in some parts of the body can be high cholesterol symptoms . These symptoms should not be ignored cholesterol can cause serious health … Read more

High Cholesterol Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction, Here’s How to Prevent It

High Cholesterol Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction, Here’s How to Prevent It

loading… High cholesterol can cause erectile dysfunction. This is because high levels of cholesterol in the body can damage nerves, blood vessels and blood supply. Photos/Getty Images JAKARTA – High cholesterol can cause erectile dysfunction . This is due to levels cholesterol high levels in the body can damage the delicate nerves, blood vessels and … Read more