When do children lose their milk teeth and how do you ensure that the new teeth are healthy?

When do children lose their milk teeth and how do you ensure that the new teeth are healthy?

Permanent teeth that appear in a child cause reabsorption and loss of milk teeth over time, but mothers wonder about the time when children change their teeth and whether new teeth grow properly and well or not, and this is what we will learn about in the following lines, according to the healthy children website. … Read more

Quaden’s family rejected a trip to Disneyland and donated $ 474,000 to organizations fighting school bullying | El Salvador News

Quaden’s family rejected a trip to Disneyland and donated $ 474,000 to organizations fighting school bullying | El Salvador News

The funds raised will be given to organizations that help fight child suicide because of bullying. The family of Quaden Bayles, The Australian boy with achondroplasia who went viral since his mother reported on social networks the buy-out he suffered at school and the suicidal ideas he had, decided to donate $ 474,000 to different … Read more

Contagion in the district of Heinsberg: four daycare children infected with coronavirus

Contagion in the district of Heinsberg: four daycare children infected with coronavirus

Saturday February 29, 2020 – The number of people infected with the corona virus in Germany is increasing. In a day care center in the Heinsberg district, four children are infected with the novel pathogen. One of her educators is being treated in a clinic for Covid-19 lung disease. Infection with the novel corona virus … Read more

Witten study: why are migrant children overweight more often?

Witten study: why are migrant children overweight more often?

Witten. After the United States, obesity has become a widespread disease in Germany. A study by medical professionals in Witten examines the reasons. – Two thirds of German men (67 percent) and around half of women (53 percent) are overweight. Almost every fourth adult is even overweight, i.e. obese. A common disease, as doctors warn. … Read more

Nagiev, it’s time to retire! The redhead from Ivanushki will become the new host of Voice. Children”?

Nagiev, it’s time to retire! The redhead from Ivanushki will become the new host of Voice. Children”?

An aging presenter cannot keep ratings high. The head of Channel One Konstantin Ernst has always been distinguished by the fact that he managed to keep Channel One afloat, no matter what. Even the disgraced project “Voice. Children, ”he did not begin to close, deciding that he could save the program with interesting judges. He … Read more

two children missing, mother leaves for Hawaii with new husband

two children missing, mother leaves for Hawaii with new husband

An 46-year-old American follower of esoteric cults, whose two children disappeared last September in the American state of Idaho, was arrested this week in Hawaii where she had settled with her new husband. Lori Vallow was arrested on Thursday February 20 and charged withabandonment of children, according to Hawaiian police in a statement. The disappearance … Read more

Video of an eight-year-old victim of bullying generates a wave of international solidarity | Internet

Video of an eight-year-old victim of bullying generates a wave of international solidarity | Internet

There is a wave of solidarity on the Internet following the disclosure from the Quaden Bayles video, an eight-year-old Australian boy who says he wants to die because he can’t take the bullying that is targeted at school. Quaden, who lives in the Australian state of Queensland, was born with achondroplasia, the most common form … Read more

Alert from Unicef ​​and WHO. The world is undermining children’s future

Alert from Unicef ​​and WHO. The world is undermining children’s future

O report says that while several improvements in survival, nutrition and education have been made over the past 20 years, children face an “uncertain future” and “existential threats”. “In 2015, the countries of the world agreed to the goals of sustainable development. However, about five years later, few countries have made progress, ”said the commission … Read more

Stains instead of caries protection: fluoride can damage tooth enamel

Stains instead of caries protection: fluoride can damage tooth enamel

Wednesday February 19, 2020 – Fluoride is important for caries prevention – that’s why it is found in almost all toothpastes. But too much of it – for example, if children take fluoride tablets in addition – can damage the teeth and result in fluorosis. This in turn can make the tooth more susceptible to … Read more

Why are corona infections rare among children over 5 years old?

Why are corona infections rare among children over 5 years old?

02:19 PM Tuesday, February 18, 2020 – (BBC): American doctors concluded that infections among children with the Coronavirus were rare. The most recent epidemic study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, which included an audit of patients in the Jinitan Hospital in Wuhan, the city that is the epicenter of the epidemic, … Read more