Large-scale Operation in the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse: 254 Investigators Search 74 Apartments in Hesse

Large-scale Operation in the Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse: 254 Investigators Search 74 Apartments in Hesse

Large-Scale Operation in Hesse Targets Child Abuse and Child Pornography Wiesbaden – In a major operation aimed at combating the sexual abuse of children, 254 investigators conducted searches in 74 private apartments across Hesse. The accused individuals are facing charges related to child abuse as well as the creation, possession, or distribution of child pornography. … Read more

Man accused of hacking women and girls’ Snapchat accounts to steal and sell their intimate photos.

Man accused of hacking women and girls’ Snapchat accounts to steal and sell their intimate photos.

A federal grand jury indicted yesterday, Wednesday, a man who allegedly hacked into the accounts of women on social networks – some of them students from the University of Puerto Rico– to have access to intimate photos and subsequently sell them on other platforms. Brian Luis Valentin Ramos faces five criminal counts related to the … Read more

Operation P Hunt: 12 people arrested in the state

Operation P Hunt: 12 people arrested in the state

Thiruvananthapuram – 12 people have been arrested in a state-wide investigation (Operation P Hunt) conducted by the Kerala Police to take strict action against those who watch and spread obscene videos of children. 142 cases were registered across the state. Most of those arrested are young IT professionals. The police also informed that there are … Read more

Dresden: girls bottled, abused and filmed | Regional

Dresden: girls bottled, abused and filmed |  Regional

Dresden – At parties he made them docile with alcohol and later attacked the defenseless children: since Monday, laborer Lars K. (41) from Freital has been on trial for this. In at least 13 cases involving four different girls (13 to 15), the public prosecutor’s office accuses him of sexual assault, sexual abuse and rape, … Read more

Corset: Ländle actor speaks out in favor of the film – Vorarlberg –

Corset: Ländle actor speaks out in favor of the film – Vorarlberg –

19.01.2023 20:47 (Akt. 20.01.2023 10:11) Johannes Rhomberg demonstratively stands in front of the film in which he also plays a role. ©Film AG/Corsage In the second part of the VOL.AT interview, corsage mime Johannes Rhomberg talks about the discussion about the film that broke out around the Teichtmeister cause. The Lustenau-born actor is also a … Read more

Raid for child pornography: Police search 20 apartments in Berlin

Raid for child pornography: Police search 20 apartments in Berlin

Raid for child pornography Police search 20 apartments in Berlin 01/17/2023 09:21 am Early in the morning, the LKA searched several apartments in Berlin with dozens of emergency services. The suspicion: child pornography. It is currently unclear how many suspects are being investigated. The State Criminal Police Office has been searching several apartments in Berlin … Read more

OM Sends Email Alert to ‘Mr. Buio’ Downloaders

OM Sends Email Alert to ‘Mr. Buio’ Downloaders

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 17:41 Several people involved in the investigation of horror porn dealer Mr. Buio surfaced, he received an email notice from the police and prosecutors. These are downloaders and suppliers of violent pornography, child pornography and animal pornography. Possession of this is a criminal offence. Last June, Michael M. (35), operating under the … Read more