CGT requests that the return to classes be delayed at the end of January

CGT requests that the return to classes be delayed at the end of January

The Union CGT has requested the Territorial Delegation of Health and Families Yet the Territorial Delegation of Education from Cádiz the back to school delayed by the end of January thus joining the demands of the Board of Non-University Teaching Personnel, the Municipal School Council of La Línea and the Educational Community of the province … Read more

In Marseille, the CGT puts the port in the harbor

In Marseille, the CGT puts the port in the harbor

Traffic jams at sea and at quayside. Since Tuesday, the port of Marseille has been blocked, a consequence of the “dead port” operation launched for seventy-two hours by the CGT to protest against the pension reform. A call followed to the letter in the seven major French seaports (Dunkirk, Le Havre, Rouen, Nantes-Saint-Nazaire, La Rochelle, … Read more

Government feeds union-piquetera summit as part of its relaunch plan

Government feeds union-piquetera summit as part of its relaunch plan

With qualms, all the protagonists are aware of the president’s wishes for the discreet efforts of the officials with whom they have more dialogue. For this week even A first formal meeting is planned between the “small table” of the CGT and referents of the so-called “trio of San Cayetano” that includes the main social … Read more

Media: Presstalis could cut 70% of its workforce

Media: Presstalis could cut 70% of its workforce

Newsstand and newsagents received no national newspapers or magazines on Wednesday, and the situation will last at least until Thursday. Part of the distribution workers went on strike at the call of the powerful General Union of Books and Communication CGT (SGLCE-CGT), which reigns over the sector. He denounces the restructuring project of Presstalis, the … Read more

For the independence of the Labor Inspectorate and the immediate reinstatement of Anthony Smith

For the independence of the Labor Inspectorate and the immediate reinstatement of Anthony Smith

Grandstand. Since April 15, 2020, Anthony Smith, labor inspector of the Marne department, former secretary general of the CGT-TEFP and member of his national office, representing labor inspectors at the National Council of Labor Inspection, can no longer exercise its missions to protect the health and safety of workers. He was indeed laid off by … Read more

In Rodez, the epidemic makes the future of diesel workers even more uncertain

In Rodez, the epidemic makes the future of diesel workers even more uncertain

Will reopen, not reopen? At the Bosch factory in Onet-le-Château, near Rodez, since the start of the health crisis, the question arises every week. On the one hand, the factory management ensures that sufficient barrier gestures are put in place, with distances of one meter between employees and a gradual restart workshop by workshop to … Read more

Blanquer he really said that “99.9% of teachers support the reform of the bac?”

Blanquer he really said that “99.9% of teachers support the reform of the bac?”

Question asked by Dubois on 01/23/2020 Hello, Your question has been shortened, here it is in full: “Hello, according to several websites, Mr. Blanquer would have said that 99.9% of teachers support the reform of the baccalaureate. My question is not about 99.9% (which is quite fanciful) but about whether [cette phrase] was actually pronounced … Read more