CGE will join the Collective Voluntary procedure requested by SERNAC. – 2024-08-20 17:49:28

CGE will join the Collective Voluntary procedure requested by SERNAC.
 – 2024-08-20 17:49:28

Through a public statement, CGE reported that will join the Voluntary Collective Procedure (PVC) requested by the National Consumer Service (SERNAC). “This decision is based on the fact that, as a company, we understand and empathize with our customers who were affected by the power outages that occurred during the first days of August,” said … Read more

There are still 3,100 customers without power in O’Higgins, and CGE has promised to restore them within 24 hours. – 2024-08-10 01:24:08

There are still 3,100 customers without power in O’Higgins, and CGE has promised to restore them within 24 hours.
 – 2024-08-10 01:24:08

On Wednesday, the Government began the process of terminating the concession of the electricity distribution company Enel due to the prolonged power outages that have already lasted for a week after the passage of the frontal system that still leaves thousands of customers without electricity. A similar scenario of thousands of customers without electricity is … Read more

SEC files charges against CGE for delays in restoring electricity and for lack of pruning – 2024-08-09 09:15:28

SEC files charges against CGE for delays in restoring electricity and for lack of pruning
 – 2024-08-09 09:15:28

The Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels, SEC, confirmed that it has filed charges against the company CGE, after verifying that it exceeded the maximum replacement times established in the electrical regulations, harming customers in municipalities of the Metropolitan Region, such as Peñaflor, Curacaví and Talagante, among others, and also in the O’Higgins Region, such as … Read more