Sheinbaum Signs Secondary Laws to Reinstate Pemex and CFE as State-Owned Public Companies

Sheinbaum Signs Secondary Laws to Reinstate Pemex and CFE as State-Owned Public Companies

Mexico’s Energy Sector Overhaul: ‌Sheinbaum’s ​Reforms Aim to Strengthen CFE and Pemex In a bold move⁤ to reshape Mexico’s ⁢energy landscape, President Claudia Sheinbaum announced the submission ⁤of secondary laws to Congress on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. These reforms aim to simplify ⁢the⁢ structures of the CFE and Pemex, marking a notable shift in the … Read more

In February Sheinbaum will present secondary laws for Pemex and CFE

In February Sheinbaum will present secondary laws for Pemex and CFE

After signing the decree last month through which the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) return to being public companies of the State, President Claudia Sheinbaum announced that in February the secondary laws in this subject. Although he considered that there was progress on this route during the six-year term of President Andrés … Read more

It is still “early” to know the impact of energy reform: Experts

It is still “early” to know the impact of energy reform: Experts

Mexico City. The positive or negative impacts that may be generated by the constitutional reform that returns Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to their status as public companies cannot yet be known, since “it is early” to estimate it, experts from the Mexican Wind Energy Association (AMDEE). “It is really still … Read more

Federal government will present national energy plan

Federal government will present national energy plan

Mexico City. Through the Ministry of Energy and the Federal Electricity Commission, work is being done on the development of rules that will govern the electrical system so that private companies have the framework in which they can participate in the electricity market, reported President Claudia Sheinbaum. . “We are going to present the national … Read more

Iberdrola must adhere to the new rules: Sheinbaum

Iberdrola must adhere to the new rules: Sheinbaum

When all that remains is for the Chamber of Deputies to declare the constitutionality of the reform to the Magna Carta on energy matters, President Claudia Sheinbaum announced that the secretariat of the branch and the Federal Electricity Commission are already preparing the National Energy Plan, which includes the regulation of the participation of the … Read more

Private energy firms have nothing to worry about: Altagracia Gómez

Private energy firms have nothing to worry about: Altagracia Gómez

Mexico City. Before businessmen from the energy sector, Altagracia Gómez Sierra, coordinator of the Regional Council for Relocation and Development, indicated that the government of President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo will respect private investments and reiterated that the strengthening of state companies will not impact the rest of the the participating firms. In the context of … Read more

Senate endorses energy reform; reverses that of Peña Nieto

Senate endorses energy reform; reverses that of Peña Nieto

With the qualified majority of Morena and its allies, the Senate last night approved in general and in particular the constitutional reform that returns to Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) their character as public companies and returns to the State Mexican control of its strategic resources. The vote was 86 votes … Read more

With reforms, the objective of CFE and Pemex will be public service: Sheinbaum

With reforms, the objective of CFE and Pemex will be public service: Sheinbaum

During the presentation of the scope of the constitutional reforms in energy and railway matters, President Claudia Sheinbaum stressed that they are fundamental modifications to recover the role of the State in both areas. In the first case, he said, it will allow the consolidation of energy sovereignty and, especially, it will allow the central … Read more

Pemex and CFE recover the status of state companies

Pemex and CFE recover the status of state companies

The Chamber of Deputies specifically approved by 350 votes in favor and 111 against, the reform through which Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) recover the category of “public companies of the State” and establishes that the latter must have a predominant character in the electricity sector, with respect to private companies. … Read more