Markus Wiewel is the new leader of the CDU parliamentary group: “A good idea is a good idea” – Drensteinfurt

Markus Wiewel is the new leader of the CDU parliamentary group: “A good idea is a good idea” – Drensteinfurt

Generational change. A word that the Stewwerter CDU <!––> shaped this year. Not only because the local union went into the election campaign with a greatly changed team and, with this mixture of old and new faces, ultimately won an absolute majority. But also because some CDU veterans, such as Josef Waldmann and Heinz Töns … Read more

CDU wants to stop the proceedings, the city does not

CDU wants to stop the proceedings, the city does not

eiD kFarioUn-CDt with tRa lwli das ruvbfhacngneshisAreseru mzu, among others, the nine efreledrK lunreshentgsltalaVa n.opsetp snU “ethlf the eertewWtbb um dsa esetb tKnp, ezo the nasghteangtel sang to the nasghteangtel düntis to the guest sci.ölkLVgäe “l hlinrvecsändtu its se, sdsa dei otekekrn nigucheAbssru cniht revorh with edr iilPkto tmtbsemiga uw” rde. ieD Sadtt thcsu site … Read more

Village development plan: Lilienthal realizes first projects – Wümme Zeitung: Current news

Village development plan: Lilienthal realizes first projects – Wümme Zeitung: Current news

The facade of the village community center in Seebergen (Brünings Hof) is crumbling. The stones in the framework have been covered with foil as a precaution. (photos: CARMEN JASPERSEN) – Lilienthal. It looks like jewelry again, the facade of the Seebergen village community center. Compartment for compartment between the old oak beams was newly lined, … Read more

Tengelmann family cannot agree on a third position on the advisory board

Tengelmann family cannot agree on a third position on the advisory board

– Kik-Lager It is unclear how things will continue at Tengelmann. – (Photo: mauritius images / Hans Blossey) – – – – Düsseldorf It has been two and a half years since Karl-Erivan Haub set out on a ski tour on the Matterhorn glacier and never returned. The search for the managing and personally liable … Read more

Again a striking number of new corona cases in Hesse

Again a striking number of new corona cases in Hesse

Nafter the record on Saturday and noticeably fewer new Covid 19 cases on Sunday, this reports Robert Koch Institute again an increase in new infections. The talk is of 1307, that is almost eleven percent of the cases recorded overnight in the federal government. Hesse only makes up eight percent of the total population. In … Read more

SPD accuses Laschet of weak leadership

SPD accuses Laschet of weak leadership

Dhe opposition leader in the NRW state parliament, Thomas Kutschaty (SPD), has accused Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) of weak leadership in crisis management after the massive corona outbreak in the Tönnies meat factory. Laschet shies away from the political risk because he lacks the courage to take responsibility, said the SPD parliamentary group leader … Read more

Expo in Dubai: Expensive pavilion for Baden-Württemberg

Expo in Dubai: Expensive pavilion for Baden-Württemberg

VAdvertising was promised free of charge. Baden-Württemberg was the only non-nation to present itself in a pavilion at the Expo in Dubai, financed almost exclusively from donations from business. The state would have had to pay just 2.8 million euros. “From the economy for the economy” was the cheap slogan with which the Baden-Württemberg Chamber … Read more

Coronavirus: Würzburg of all places: How the coronavirus is spreading so strongly there

Coronavirus: Würzburg of all places: How the coronavirus is spreading so strongly there

52 minutes ago Plus How did the highest seven-day incidence value in Germany come about in the city on the Main? A look at pint drinkers, travelers returning and mass tests. From Julia Back The sun glistens in the Main, the Silvaner in the glass. The people of Würzburg cavort on the Old Main Bridge, … Read more

More tests are not the cause of the higher corona numbers

More tests are not the cause of the higher corona numbers

Bwithin three weeks, the number of corona tests in Germany has increased by around half. While 570,746 laboratory tests were carried out in the week from July 20 to July 26, there were 875,524 laboratory tests in the last week from August 10 to 16. According to the figures published by the Robert Koch Institute … Read more