IB-Map, an interactive map showcasing the epidemiology of avian infectious bronchitis strains in Spain, unveiled by Zoetis

IB-Map, an interactive map showcasing the epidemiology of avian infectious bronchitis strains in Spain, unveiled by Zoetis

Zoetis has developed an interactive map in which professionals in the world of poultry farming have access to the epidemiology of avian infectious bronchitis (BIA) in Spain. Worldwide in distribution and highly contagious, BIA can cause losses of up to 50% by falls from laying in adult layers, in addition to being able to cause … Read more

The Carrión region to hold discussions on the state of its fields as proposed by the Diputación

The Carrión region to hold discussions on the state of its fields as proposed by the Diputación

The monastery of San Zoilo de Carrión de los Condes will host this Tuesday the I Campo Palentino Congress, organized by the Provincial Council. A meeting that was born with a vocation for the future that has already registered 250 and hopes to reach 300, in which professionals from the sector will discuss the present … Read more

Calier launches its salmonella vaccines in Benelux, adding new European markets

Calier launches its salmonella vaccines in Benelux, adding new European markets

Calier continues to consolidate its presence in the European market for avian vaccines against salmonella, starting the commercialization of Cousin Salmonella E y Cousin Salmonella T in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (Benelux). These three markets are added to others such as spain, Germany, Italia, Poland y Portugal where the laboratory already marketed these two … Read more