The Story of a Schoolgirl Hoax That Ends Beheading French Teacher Samuel Paty

The Story of a Schoolgirl Hoax That Ends Beheading French Teacher Samuel Paty

loading… PARIS – Who would have thought the terrible beheading the history teacher experienced at French , Samuel Paty, last year was triggered by fake stories or hoaxes from his 13 year old student. The student, identified by the local media by the initials Z, initially told her father that Paty, 47, had asked Muslim … Read more

Chronology of French Teacher Beheading Triggered by Student Lies

Chronology of French Teacher Beheading Triggered by Student Lies

Jakarta – Latest facts on cases beheading of a history teacher in France which shows karikatur Nabi Muhammad in his class last year again shocked the public. It is known that the beheading began with the lies of a 14-year-old student for fear of making her father angry because she was suspended. Then what is … Read more

The commotion of the teacher’s beheading in France was apparently triggered by lies

The commotion of the teacher’s beheading in France was apparently triggered by lies

Paris – Tragedy new facts beheading a history teacher in France after showing karikatur Nabi Muhammad in his class, last year was finally revealed. The beheading was indirectly triggered by false testimony submitted by a 13-year-old student, who was suspended from school for truancy. He deliberately made up a story so that his father would … Read more

Lies by Schoolgirls that Lead to Beheading French Teachers Sparks Anger

Lies by Schoolgirls that Lead to Beheading French Teachers Sparks Anger

Paris – Teacher’s family lawyer French, Samuel Paty, who were beheaded related karikatur Nabi Muhammad to vent his anger over the lies exposed in the case. As reported AFP, Tuesday (9/3/2021), Paty, a high school teacher in a city near Paris, was killed by a young radical from Chechnya, after he showed a caricature of … Read more

Perpetrators of Church Attack in France Arrested Alive

Perpetrators of Church Attack in France Arrested Alive

loading… NICE – The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi said the perpetrator of the attack on the church in the city in French the police successfully paralyzed it and has now been taken to the hospital for treatment. He said the perpetrators chanted “Allahu Akbar” before launch an attack. Estrosi said one of the three … Read more

Display obscene cartoon Erdogan, Turkey sues Charlie Hebdo

Display obscene cartoon Erdogan, Turkey sues Charlie Hebdo

loading… ANKARA – French satire magazine action, Charlie Hebdo, which features a cartoon or caricature of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan behaving lewdly on a long tail front page. The Turkish president’s lawyers filed a criminal complaint against the magazine. Citing the news agency AnatoliaThursday (29/10/2020), in addition to the criminal suit filed by the … Read more

Enraged, Erdogan calls Charlie Hebdo a bastard

Enraged, Erdogan calls Charlie Hebdo a bastard

loading… ANKARA – President Turkey Recep Tayyep Erdogan condemns the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo after he was mocked on the cover of the magazine. Erdogan called the Charlie Hebdo caricature depicting him drinking alcohol and lifting the skirts of a veiled woman a “disgusting assault.” The magazine featured a cartoon of the president on … Read more

Thousands of People in Bangladesh Protest Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad Protected Freedom of Expression Page all

Thousands of People in Bangladesh Protest Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad Protected Freedom of Expression Page all

DHAKA, – About 10,000 people gathered in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Tuesday (27/10/2020) did protest against French President Emmanuel Macron and his support for protecting secular laws cartoon Nabi Muhammad under the aegis of free speech. The demonstrators came from the conservative Islamic group Andolon Bangladesh who carried banners and placards reading “All Muslims in … Read more

Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad are considered not prohibited in French law

Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad are considered not prohibited in French law

The Muslim Council of France hopes that Muslims in the country ignore caricatures of the Prophet. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PARIS – Head of the French Council for the Muslim Faith Mohammad Moussaoui urges Muslims in France to ignore the issue of publishing Prophet Muhammad cartoon SAW. He did not want any acts of violence amidst the anger … Read more

Qatar public boycotts French products: ‘this is our strongest weapon’

Qatar public boycotts French products: ‘this is our strongest weapon’

loading… DOHA – Qatar became one of the Arab countries angry at the President’s comments French Emmanuel Macron considered insulting Islam as well as publication Prophet Muhammad cartoon. The citizens of the Gulf nation enthusiastically welcomed the call to boycott French products. Shoppers in Qatar said they supported some retailers’ decisions to pull French products … Read more