Murcia set to witness the literary side of Carlos Bardem and El Niño de la Hipoteca

Murcia set to witness the literary side of Carlos Bardem and El Niño de la Hipoteca

Murcia will commemorate the International Book Day with the celebration of the third edition of a conference that will be held between April 24 and 26 in the Aula de Cultura de la Mediterranean Foundation. Their director, Victorio Melgarejoalong with councilor Anthony Benedictpresented this morning a program that will begin with a poetry recital by … Read more

“The Tuberculosis Vaccine: A Possible Solution to Eradicate the Most Devastating Scourge in History, says Carlos Martin”

“The Tuberculosis Vaccine: A Possible Solution to Eradicate the Most Devastating Scourge in History, says Carlos Martin”

We have never sought economic benefit. The condition of the University of Zaragoza and the Galician company Biofabri is that the MTBVAC be universal, affordable and easy to distribute to the whole world. It will be a historical milestone that can eradicate a disease that is the worst scourge in history, the one that has … Read more