Eighteen people have now been infected with coronavirus after visiting restaurant Leer

Eighteen people have now been infected with coronavirus after visiting restaurant Leer

Monday, May 25, 2020, 6:27 AM – – The number of people who tested positive for corona after visiting a restaurant in Moormerland, Germany (Landkreis Leer), about an hour’s drive from the city of Groningen, has risen to eighteen. – That reports the NOS. 118 people have been quarantined. They all come from Leer. Meyer … Read more

General practitioner may prescribe corona patient blood thinners for thrombosis risk NOW

General practitioner may prescribe corona patient blood thinners for thrombosis risk NOW

GPs may prescribe preventive blood thinners to patients at risk of thrombosis who are infected or suspected to be infected with the coronavirus, writes the NOS. Research among corona patients on Dutch ICUs showed that many of them develop thrombosis symptoms, which increases the risk of death. Corona patients are currently already being given blood … Read more

Groningen residents with long-term respiratory complaints can soon be tested for corona

Groningen residents with long-term respiratory complaints can soon be tested for corona

The Certe medical laboratory in Groningen, together with the Frisian Izore, has obtained a test to check whether people have had the coronavirus. These tests can be performed at the request of general practitioners and medical specialists. This weekend or later this week, all doctors will receive a letter informing them of the availability of … Read more

Professor of geriatric medicine: “Eighties blind spot in tackling coronavirus”

Professor of geriatric medicine: “Eighties blind spot in tackling coronavirus”

They have overlooked the elderly, says Marcel Olde Rikkert. He calls it the “blind spot” in medicine. In the corona crisis – and especially in the initial phase during the great spread – they have forgotten how old bodies function. “As if we went back 20 years and knew nothing about geriatrics.” Olde Rikkert is … Read more

Coronavirus costs jobs at Thermen Bad Nieuweschans, petition for earlier reopening

Coronavirus costs jobs at Thermen Bad Nieuweschans, petition for earlier reopening

According to the owner, these are ‘serious numbers’ if the government does not quickly come up with an emergency package. “Everything is now about survival,” says director Fabian Dolman of Quality Wellness Resorts (QWR), the owner of the Groningen compex. 25,000 signatures The industry is sounding the alarm now that it has been told by … Read more

UMCG IC head after criticism: “I did not say that people should take resveratrol”

UMCG IC head after criticism: “I did not say that people should take resveratrol”

The statements that IC head of the UMCG, Peter van der Voort, made on Friday evening in the TV program Jinek, were criticized from various sides. Still, he doesn’t take back a word from what he said. – In the broadcast, the professor said that there are strong indications that the dietary supplement resveratrol may … Read more