Unisimón graduates specialists in Critical Medicine and Intensive Care

Unisimón graduates specialists in Critical Medicine and Intensive Care

The Barranquilla and Atlántico health network will count from this June 24 with 69 new professionals and specialists who will be at the service of citizens. The Universidad Simón Bolívar will hand them their undergraduate degrees, which will allow them to contribute their knowledge in this emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a way … Read more

Due to the expansion of ICUs, more health personnel are required

Due to the expansion of ICUs, more health personnel are required

In Colombia there are already 1,842 health professionals who have been infected with COVID-19. Of those, 1,591 have been recovered and 232 remain in isolation, according to figures from the National Institute of Health. In the Atlantic, 65 Health professionals have tested positive for the new coronavirus for reasons associated with the service. Likewise, in … Read more

Survivor covid-19 receive a bill of a million dollars from the hospital

Survivor covid-19 receive a bill of a million dollars from the hospital

WASHINGTON, united States An american 70-year-old caught covid-19 and was hospitalized for two months in Seattle (northwest) had the unpleasant surprise of receiving a bill of 181 pages for more than a million dollars, revealed on Saturday the newspaper Seattle Times. Michael Flower was admitted on the 4th of march at the Swedish medical center … Read more

Healthcare expenditure sharply up in 2019, largest increase in childcare NOW

Healthcare expenditure sharply up in 2019, largest increase in childcare NOW

In 2019, healthcare expenditure rose by 5.2 percent, which is the largest increase since 2009. Child care expenditure rose by 11 percent the most, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported Thursday. Over the year, € 4.8 billion was spent on childcare. This is due to an increase in the number of children and the number of childcare … Read more

Virologist warns: “Don’t count yourself rich, new corona outbreak can just happen”

Virologist warns: “Don’t count yourself rich, new corona outbreak can just happen”

“There is more and more an atmosphere of ‘it is normal again’, but it is not normal. I’m shocked by that, “says virologist Coretta Van Leer. “The virus is not gone, so if you relax too much now, we will have outbreaks within a few days. It can go that fast, “warns virologist Coretta van … Read more

GGZ practitioners often find digital care too limited

GGZ practitioners often find digital care too limited

Psychiatrists and psychologists do not see much treatment at a distance. Only one in a hundred practitioners prefer image bubbles to real contact. This is evident from research by the UMC Utrecht among 592 psychologists and psychiatrists, published Monday in the Magazine for Psychotherapy. Because of the corona measures, practitioners have been seeing their patients … Read more

Physician resignations and emergency closing at Adela de Char Clinic due to threats

Physician resignations and emergency closing at Adela de Char Clinic due to threats

A group of emergency physicians from the Adela de Char Maternal and Child Clinic presented their resignation in solidarity for the death threats that the intensivist José Julián Buelvas received in the midst of carrying out his work. Luis Fabregas, Secretary of Health of Soledad, reported that due to the resignation of the eight doctors, … Read more

Have chloroquine treatments resumed in France?

Have chloroquine treatments resumed in France?

After stopping the tests with chloroquine, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the resumption of these tests a few days ago. However, in France, article 19 of the decree of May 11, which fixed the derogatory provisions for the prescription of chloroquine was repealed and the Minister of Health did not return to it. And … Read more

No one referred Marjolein to the lung physiotherapist

No one referred Marjolein to the lung physiotherapist

“I’m having a bad day,” gasps Marjolein Pauly, 30. She walks on the treadmill of her physiotherapist in Eindhoven for a few minutes and gets off puffing. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I notice that now. ” Pauly went through corona more than two months ago, but the recovery is extremely difficult. She is … Read more

Discount on assistance from caring brother, sister or grandchild of the job NOW

Discount on assistance from caring brother, sister or grandchild of the job NOW

The Senate puts a stop to a change in the law that would make people who live with second-degree relatives to care for them receive less assistance. The House of Representatives wanted to delete an exception to the so-called cost-sharing standard. The cost-sharing standard means that social assistance benefits decrease as more people live at … Read more