Pfizer and Sinopharm with careful prices, what happens if a vaccine fails and other secrets

Pfizer and Sinopharm with careful prices, what happens if a vaccine fails and other secrets

A government document that you accessed Clarion details point by point clauses of the contracts for vaccines against Covid AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Covishield, Sinopharm, Moderna, Cansino y Pfizer. It gives details on the price of vaccines, the terms of confidentiality, conditions of delivery of the product and the indemnity regime. A first piece of information … Read more

Groningen foundation investigates rare form of lung cancer with UMCG and Hanze

Groningen foundation investigates rare form of lung cancer with UMCG and Hanze

What is the ROS1 Fusion?The ROS1 fusion is a form of lung cancer that is caused by a flaw in the human DNA. The merger was first established in 2012, and approximately forty people in the Netherlands are diagnosed annually. These often concern people with an average age of fifty years, who do not smoke. … Read more

Research: can sensors prevent restlessness, wandering or anger in dementia?

Research: can sensors prevent restlessness, wandering or anger in dementia?

Today, 20:55 • 3 minutes reading time — A demented woman (for illustration) © ANP – The UMCG and Hanze University of Applied Sciences will investigate whether sensors can help detect and even prevent certain behavior in people with dementia. This concerns, for example, restlessness, wandering, shouting and sudden anger or aggression. — The first … Read more

Party center Stadskanaal cancels party because of corona pass: ‘That is psychological coercion’

Party center Stadskanaal cancels party because of corona pass: ‘That is psychological coercion’

Yesterday, 16:25 • 3 minutes reading time — – Employees and partygoers who wanted to go to the Classic Night of Partycentrum Gossen in Stadskanaal on Saturday evening, were given the lid on their noses. The party was canceled after the Municipality of Stadskanaal got wind of the intention not to check the corona pass. … Read more

Strike in UMCG one step closer: ‘Money goes to IC equipment, not to staff’

Strike in UMCG one step closer: ‘Money goes to IC equipment, not to staff’

Yesterday, 18:44 • 3 minutes reading time — Nurses during a previous strike at the UMCG © Jetta Post/RTV Noord – Trade unions FNV and CNV continue to prepare a strike in academic hospitals, including the UMCG. The members of both unions have rejected the final offer of the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers … Read more

Unmute Us caravan winds through the city again: ‘Even more intense than the last’

Unmute Us caravan winds through the city again: ‘Even more intense than the last’

© Wijnand Klein/RTV Noord – — – ——– On Saturday afternoon, 27 cars from various organizations and several thousand demonstrators took part in the protest march of Unmute Us in the city of Groningen. — The protest of the events industry is aimed at the government’s corona policy. Just like the neighboring countries, this industry … Read more

Mother hardly ill because of corona, but a broken placenta

Mother hardly ill because of corona, but a broken placenta

From that moment on, gynecologist Sam Schoenmakers sends all placentas of women who have had corona in the first and second wave to pathologists who put the placenta under the microscope. 5 of the 36 placentas under the magnifying glass show dead cells, hardening and foreign immune cells. The mothers were not sick and ultrasounds … Read more

Partner users for the new hospital

The New Hospital Management team is looking for partner users We are looking for users who: Know the needs of the population in relation to a specific age group, or in relation to a medical sector or a territory; Use (either for themselves or a loved one) certain health services; Easy to communicate in meetings … Read more