at the Épinay-sous-Sénart health center, “we preserve the health of patients”

at the Épinay-sous-Sénart health center, “we preserve the health of patients”

When Émilie Zard launched the creation of the Épinay-sous-Sénart (Essonne) health center in 2016, she knew that the lack of doctors was going to become “a disaster on the territory”. “60% of them were over 65, retirements had to be anticipated”, she notes, leaning against her desk, recalling that nearly 6 million French people have … Read more

Missing for a year: Kidnapped children found in US supermarket

Missing for a year: Kidnapped children found in US supermarket

Missing for a year Kidnapped children found in US supermarket 2/6/2023 11:14 am Almost a year ago, eleven-year-old Brooke G. and her brother were kidnapped from a Missouri suburb. With wanted posters and calls for witnesses, the police are investigating at full speed. Now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief: Officials find the … Read more

Details of suspending the accreditation of a health care provider in the Western Region • Al Marsad Newspaper

Details of suspending the accreditation of a health care provider in the Western Region • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The General Secretariat of the Health Insurance Council decided to stop accrediting a healthcare service provider in the western region, due to non-compliance with the Council’s regulations, regulations, and instructions. The Secretariat called on all health care service providers accredited to the Council to adhere to and abide by the regulations and decisions … Read more

Research into an alternative way to store kidneys

Research into an alternative way to store kidneys

Organ transplantation is a race against time There are never enough donor organs. The organs that are available must be transplanted as quickly as possible. Medicine is therefore fully committed to keeping organs healthy for longer. Marlon de Haan is researching at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) how you can keep kidneys alive outside … Read more

Combination of infection and bacteria kills young people, doctors UMCG alert

Combination of infection and bacteria kills young people, doctors UMCG alert

‘No, I think that would really mean giving too many people antibiotics. This in turn has the disadvantage that these bacteria become resistant to it. These are really patients who have a completely different clinical picture than at the GP. No cold or flu. They become so ill within a day that they vomit violently, … Read more

Predictors for chronic bowel disease presented

Predictors for chronic bowel disease presented

UMCG PhD student Arno Bourgonje identified new predictors of chronic intestinal diseases UMCG PhD student Arno Bourgonje (26) wrote perhaps the most extensive medical dissertation ever published in the Netherlands. A dissertation of more than 1100 pages and 31 chapters. Under the supervision of four supervisors from the UMCG departments of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases … Read more

You can only score these vitamins with a significant discount in January

You can only score these vitamins with a significant discount in January

PeopleImagesGetty Images Surely you have noticed: it is cold and many people have a cold or the flu. So it’s high time to give your resistance a helping hand. Especially in winter it is smart to pay extra attention to this. Good news, because we found a super deal for you. At Holland & Barrett … Read more

Former international player Fahd Al-Musaybih was transferred to intensive care after suffering a health crisis

Former international player Fahd Al-Musaybih was transferred to intensive care after suffering a health crisis

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The former international player, Fahd Al-Musaybih, suffered a health crisis, as a result of which he was transferred to “Dallah” Hospital in Riyadh, and entered intensive care, where it was decided that he would undergo a heart catheterization operation. The journalist, Ahmed Al-Fuhaid, said in a tweet that he posted on his Twitter … Read more

Aging of body and mind reflected in the face

Aging of body and mind reflected in the face

Researchers calculated the difference between the estimated age and the actual age There is a link between how old someone looks and age-related health problems, including cognitive decline. This is the conclusion of new research in which scientists from Erasmus MC participated. “It seems that aging of the body and mind is reflected in the … Read more