Using Degirol for Sore Throat in Breastfeeding Mothers

Using Degirol for Sore Throat in Breastfeeding Mothers

Breast-feed Dwi Indah Nurcahyani | Haibunda Friday, 07 Jul 2023 09:10 WIB Jakarta – Degirol is widely believed to treat sore throats, including in nursing mothers. So how to use degirol for nursing mothers? It is normal for nursing mothers to be sick and tired. However, when sick it is usually a separate anxiety for … Read more

Understanding Different Types of Caesarean Stitches and Scars

Understanding Different Types of Caesarean Stitches and Scars

Pregnancy Melly Febrida | Haibunda Monday, 03 Jul 2023 21:15 WIB Jakarta – Mothers who give birth by caesarean section may be curious about what good stitches look like. A number of doctors also have different methods for caesarean stitches. Since a caesarean section involves surgery, the baby is delivered through an incision in the … Read more

9 Ways to Fertilize the Womb: Changing Lifestyles for Increased Fertility

9 Ways to Fertilize the Womb: Changing Lifestyles for Increased Fertility

Jakarta – One of the ways to fertilize the womb can be by changing your lifestyle, Mother. This lifestyle change can be started even before the pregnancy program. It should be noted, a woman’s fertility is closely related to her chances of getting a baby. Good egg quality can increase the chances of getting pregnant. … Read more

Can Cleft Lip in the Fetus be Seen on Ultrasound?

Can Cleft Lip in the Fetus be Seen on Ultrasound?

Pregnancy Melly Febrida | Haibunda Friday, 30 June 2023 13:52 WIB Jakarta – Babies born have a risk of clefts, whether in the lips, cleft palate, or both. Can this sign of cleft lip in the fetus be seen on ultrasound? Launch page NHS, a cleft or fissure in the upper lip or palate present … Read more

7 Signs of Infertility in Women

7 Signs of Infertility in Women

Title: Understanding Infertility: Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For Date: Friday, 23 Jun 2023 Jakarta – Have you ever heard of the term “dry uterus” which refers to the difficulty of getting pregnant? While this term is commonly used by laypeople to describe a woman’s infertility, it does not exist in the medical world. … Read more