“Eat only 1,200 Kcal a day, lose weight and lose hair”… What is the secret to a woman who has toned abs again?

“Eat only 1,200 Kcal a day, lose weight and lose hair”… What is the secret to a woman who has toned abs again?

After suffering from hair loss and menstrual irregularities due to dieting in the past, I am looking for a healthy diet method. input 2024.11.17 06:45 input 2024.11.17 06:45correction 2024.11.16 01:11 Views 1 A woman who changed from a skinny body to a muscular body revealed her secret. [사진=영국 매체 미러 보도 갈무리]A woman who went … Read more

“Because of the worst eating habits that destroy the pancreas and make you gain weight”… What are the foods to lose weight?

“Because of the worst eating habits that destroy the pancreas and make you gain weight”… What are the foods to lose weight?

High-calorie/high-fat foods, frequent overeating can overwork the pancreas input 2024.11.09 15:03 input 2024.11.09 15:03correction 2024.11.09 14:13 Views 7,215 When talking about healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, fish, and poultry (chicken, duck, etc.) are always mentioned. These foods help prevent obesity and are good for diabetes and the pancreas. It is low in calories … Read more

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

[장준홍의 노자와 현대의학] input 2024.11.05 08:42 input 2024.11.05 08:42correction 2024.11.05 08:41 Views 92 [사진=코메디닷컴DB]You can also get the Wegovy injection, the ‘dream obesity treatment’ developed by Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, in Korea. Semaglutide, the main ingredient in Gastric Gobi, is an analogue of the hormone glucagon, called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is secreted in … Read more

“I know, but it’s not working”… What if it’s harder to maintain weight after losing it? Just develop ‘this habit’!

“I know, but it’s not working”… What if it’s harder to maintain weight after losing it? Just develop ‘this habit’!

A diet that is more difficult to maintain than to lose weight… Pay attention to long-term lifestyle changes input 2024.10.30 06:45 input 2024.10.30 06:45correction 2024.10.30 08:46 Views 876 Losing weight is not easy, but maintaining the weight loss is even more difficult. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Losing weight is not easy, but maintaining the weight loss is even more … Read more

“Are you hungry after exercising?”… Does intense exercise reduce appetite in women?

“Are you hungry after exercising?”… Does intense exercise reduce appetite in women?

Inhibits ghrelin, the appetite hormone input 2024.10.28 14:08 input 2024.10.28 14:08correction 2024.10.28 14:09 Views 399 Vigorous exercise helps you lose weight by making you forget about hunger. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It has been shown that vigorous exercise helps people forget about hunger. It was especially effective in reducing women’s appetite. This is one more reason why people losing … Read more

Yang Hye-seung, who lost 35 kg, “My blood sugar level was 300”… Did you go on a diet after being so shocked?

Yang Hye-seung, who lost 35 kg, “My blood sugar level was 300”… Did you go on a diet after being so shocked?

[셀럽헬스] Singer Yang Hye-seung diet input 2024.10.26 12:46 input 2024.10.26 12:46correction 2024.10.26 14:22 Views 228 Yang Hye-seung’s before and after weight loss of 35 kg. [사진= tvN ‘프리한 닥터’ 방송화면 캡처]Singer Yang Hye-seung shared the news of her success in losing 35 kg. On tvN’s ‘Free Doctor’ broadcast on the 25th, former Miss Korea singer … Read more

Kim Hyun-sook, who gave birth after giving birth, said, “I gained 10 kg and lost 14 kg”… I gained weight because of ‘this’?

Kim Hyun-sook, who gave birth after giving birth, said, “I gained 10 kg and lost 14 kg”… I gained weight because of ‘this’?

[셀럽헬스] Comedian Kim Hyun-sook‘s diet update input 2024.10.18 06:20 input 2024.10.18 06:20correction 2024.10.17 16:46 Views 156 Comedian Kim Hyun-sook (45) revealed her current status after losing 14kg of weight. [사진=김현숙 인스타그램]Comedian Kim Hyun-sook (45) revealed her current status after losing 14 kg. In the past, she gained great popularity for her role as the main … Read more

For men, ‘carbohydrates’ are suitable for breakfast… What about women?

For men, ‘carbohydrates’ are suitable for breakfast… What about women?

toothCanada’s University of Waterloo research team builds large-scale computer modeltoothFor breakfast, a diet rich in carbohydrates is appropriate for men and fat-rich for women.toothWomen metabolize fat more efficiently than menBreakfast is considered one of the important factors that determine the metabolic health of modern people. What you eat as your first meal after waking up … Read more

“Because of this habit, I keep gaining weight”… What is the story of how you two became best friends after losing a combined 185kg?

“Because of this habit, I keep gaining weight”… What is the story of how you two became best friends after losing a combined 185kg?

Two women who continued to gain weight due to secret eating habits… The story of how they became best friends after exchanging diet information and succeeding in losing weight together input 2024.10.15 06:40 input 2024.10.15 06:40correction 2024.10.14 17:54 Views 1,431 The story of two women who exchanged information to lose weight and succeeded in dieting, … Read more

WHO Urges Reduction of Sugar Intake to Improve Health – Guidelines for Adults and Children

WHO Urges Reduction of Sugar Intake to Improve Health – Guidelines for Adults and Children

WHO “Especially children, sugar intake should be reduced to 58g per day or 5-10% of total caloric intake” Entered 2024.04.01 18:10 Entered 2024.04.01 18:10 Modified 2024.04.01 18:11 Views 8,190 If you resist the ‘sweet temptation’ of sugar, your overall health will improve. Even if you quit drinking for just 10 days, seven health indicators will … Read more