Witness .. the strangest behavior of a citizen while his car caught fire next to him • Al Marsad Newspaper

Witness .. the strangest behavior of a citizen while his car caught fire next to him • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The pioneers of social networking sites circulated a video clip of a citizen serving coffee to his guests, next to his burning car in Hail. The video showed the car on fire, and next to it its owner was serving coffee to his guests, indifferent to its burning and his keenness on hospitality. … Read more

Watch .. Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi’s reaction when an admired Turkish tourist asked to take a picture with him

Watch .. Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi’s reaction when an admired Turkish tourist asked to take a picture with him

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip documented the reaction of the famous social networking site, Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi, when a Turkish admirer girl asked to take a “selfie” with him. The Turkish girl asked to take a picture with Al-Mutairi, but he refused at first, before one of the people present intervened, and told him: “Abdul … Read more

Fish worth Rs 4 lakhs were smuggled in; Greedy seal tragically dies in failed capture after eating every fish in lake

Fish worth Rs 4 lakhs were smuggled in;  Greedy seal tragically dies in failed capture after eating every fish in lake

If the competitors are strong, the business venture will have to go to great lengths to avoid closure. But no matter how carefully the business was conducted, Nick North, a native of Essex, England, had to close down the business due to a guest who came to Orkappuram. Nick’s business was shut down not by … Read more

[포착] “Even death is mysterious”… Average Lifespan ‘100 Years’ Last Moments of Stars

[포착] “Even death is mysterious”…  Average Lifespan ‘100 Years’ Last Moments of Stars

Will the stars die? When you accidentally discover a sparkling star in the vast universe and the black night sky, there is a moment when you suddenly wonder about the star’s life. With the development of technology, it has become possible to clearly observe numerous moments of stars that are difficult to observe with the … Read more

As if it were a gigantic lighthouse .. photographing a dark body 7 light years long

As if it were a gigantic lighthouse .. photographing a dark body 7 light years long

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) recently captured a dark cosmic nebula 7 light-years in diameter. As reported by the site “Science Alert”, the giant nebula looks like a giant lighthouse that observes the black and cold vacuum from space, or like a giant in search of planets to devour. The site indicated that “the new … Read more