Science up to date: Frozen zombie virus, cancer vaccine and hangover “cure” revived

Science up to date: Frozen zombie virus, cancer vaccine and hangover “cure” revived

Science does not stop and continues to surprise us with a lot of new events. This week, two new investigations have presented promising vaccines to cure hangover symptoms and another to fight cancer. Find out about all the scientific news at Future 360 y check the featured news from a week ago. New injection promises … Read more

Paying attention to health preservation is not enough, medical warning, 3NG habits of life, beware of upper body cancer-Health

Paying attention to health preservation is not enough, medical warning, 3NG habits of life, beware of upper body cancer-Health

Physicians remind that repeated use of cooking oil can easily enhance the activity of carcinogens. (Schematic / Dazhi video) Modern people pay attention to health preservation, but they often affect their health due to negligence in the details of life. Chen Jiongyu, a doctor of preventive medicine and health management at Ivy League, posted an … Read more

help for breast cancer

help for breast cancer

help for breast cancer The Gure Bizitza association of retirees and pensioners from the Amara neighborhood recently delivered a check for 500 euros to the Metastatic Breast Cancer Association. The economic sum was collected in a solidarity market, which was organized by the students of the gymnastics group of the aforementioned association. Gure Bizitza thanked … Read more

It causes cancer and liver damage..Experts reveal the harms of adding salt to pasta when boiling..and explain the correct method

It causes cancer and liver damage..Experts reveal the harms of adding salt to pasta when boiling..and explain the correct method

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Experts revealed that adding salt to pasta at the wrong time during cooking can pose a health risk. illnesses serious Scientists from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, analyzed chemicals found in tap water and found small amounts of disinfectants that, when combined with salt, create harmful byproducts. They can cause cancer, liver … Read more

A patient from a town in Zamora with cancer, without an ambulance for transfers

A patient from a town in Zamora with cancer, without an ambulance for transfers

“I have to look for life to be able to get to my chemotherapy sessions in Zamora from Olmillosbecause they deny me the ambulance”. Pura is a neighbor of Olmillos de Valverde diagnosed with breast cancer in the left breast. This neighbor from the Benaventana region explains that, In addition to the problems already associated … Read more

what you need to know about breast cancer

what you need to know about breast cancer

Every year in Kazakhstan about 5,000 women get breast cancer, reports. Mammologist-oncologist Aliya Abdrakhmanova spoke about the primary measures to prevent this oncological disease. According to the expert, breast cancer, for many decades, not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world, has been ranked first in terms of incidence. “Every year in Kazakhstan, five … Read more

Horoscope 2023, the effects of Saturn in Pisces from March 7th

Horoscope 2023, the effects of Saturn in Pisces from March 7th

In astrology the Sun, the Moon and the planets represent, with their cycles, the different components of the human experience and their rhythms. The meaning of each planet is closely linked to how we see it in the sky and the speed at which it moves: the Moon, for example, with its short 28-day cycle … Read more

Experimental cancer vaccine shows promise in lab trials

Experimental cancer vaccine shows promise in lab trials

An incredible advance in the fight against cancer has been made by scientists at Stanford University. They discovered that when turn cancer cells into immune cells, can teach other immune cells how to attack cancer. The investigation carried out in rodents presents a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of cancer. The study builds on … Read more

a new method manages to detect breast cancer with just a drop of blood

a new method manages to detect breast cancer with just a drop of blood

Researchers from the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga and the Nanomedicine Platform (IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND) have developed a novel methodology for the early detection of breast cancer through a single blood sample. This new non-invasive method consists of analysis of ADN by massive sequencing, which allows the detection of the presence of DNA released by … Read more

Walk to prevent colon cancer.. What you do not know about this cancer and free FIT examinations

Walk to prevent colon cancer.. What you do not know about this cancer and free FIT examinations

Tomorrow, Sunday, the streets of Beirut will witness an awareness day under the title “Walk to Prevent Colon Cancer”, which will include various activities such as plays, entertainment activities and prizes, in addition to sports activities through a “mini-marathon”, and free screenings for colon and rectal cancer. The activity, which will restore a little joy … Read more