For the first time .. the next iPhone has a Touch ID button installed on its side – Toss News

For the first time .. the next iPhone has a Touch ID button installed on its side – Toss News

Source: Shorouq Muhammad-Erm News – Hardware Analyst Detection Camel The famous Ming Qi Kuo, that the upcoming Apple iPhone will have a feature that was not present in the iPhone before, as it will contain a drum roll, and a Touch ID button installed on the side, according to the “trustedreviews” website. According to information … Read more

The black message: “WhatsApp” is depositing millions of phones forever

The black message: “WhatsApp” is depositing millions of phones forever

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " A large number of users of the application were surprised by a black message when opening the application, she says "What’s Up" This phone is not supported, and you are advised to transfer to another phone. The popular instant messaging app will … Read more

DoubleTake is a new application for recording video on my iPhone simultaneously

DoubleTake is a new application for recording video on my iPhone simultaneously

Company launched Filmic An application dedicated to iPhone phones, which enables users to record video on two iPhones simultaneously, which allows the ability to use multiple cameras on Apple phones in an unprecedented manner, as the application was designed, which is called “DoubleTake“, Specifically for Apple’s triple camera system on a phone iPhone 11, Which … Read more

AirPods Pro owners complain of “noise cancellation” .. know the details

AirPods Pro owners complain of “noise cancellation” .. know the details

Many Apple AirPods Pro owners complained about the efficiency of the “noise cancellation” feature, as this feature was negatively affectedAfter the updated operating versions of the headphones have arrived, According to the American website, The Verge, while experiences showed that the capabilities of the noise canceling feature in AirPods became worse after the company released … Read more

Apple may release mid-range phones during 2020

Apple may release mid-range phones during 2020

The American company, “Apple” launched the iPhone lovers that 2020 will be the year of mid-cost economical phones. The Times News Now pointed out that “Apple” is preparing to offer more than the second generation version of its “iPhone SE” economic phones during 2020. According to Sputnik, Apple will launch two mid-cost phones at once … Read more