Ita-Lufthansa, working to overcome the stalemate – News –

Ita-Lufthansa, working to overcome the stalemate – News –

A working weekend to overcome the stalemate created at the last corner of the negotiations between ITA and Lufthansa with the unions again showing “strong concern” and asking Mef, the only person -shares of the new company, get an urgent meeting. picture of the current situation. The file is in the hands of the director … Read more

Commission: Which commissioners are at risk of a red card –

Commission: Which commissioners are at risk of a red card

The hearings of the candidate commissioners of the second Commission of the Ursula von der Leyenwhich are expected to be completed on November 12. Among the commissioners who will be heard on the very first day, this Monday, is the proposed Greek Commissioner for Transport and Tourism, Apostolos Tzizikostas. The goal is for the new … Read more

Czech MEP tunes questions for “grilling storm”

Czech MEP tunes questions for “grilling storm”

carry out of the European Parliament Czech voters sent a total of twenty-one MPs in June, for some it will be a barbecue storm that happens once every five years, while others will experience it for the first time. That is why they are preparing in detail for “the big and shining moment of the … Read more

Turkey on the counterattack – “Greece’s views are illegal and maximalist” –

Turkey on the counterattack – “Greece’s views are illegal and maximalist”

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejects the comments of the European Commission in the annual evaluation of Turkey, as a candidate country for membership, referring to “unfair evaluations”, especially regarding the political criteria and the internal political situation. Much of Ankara’s response to Brussels is devoted to the report’s highlights on Turkey’s relations with … Read more

Ukraine accuses Russia of using 10,000 North Korean troops in war

Ukraine accuses Russia of using 10,000 North Korean troops in war

Brussels – Ukraine They accused Russia of preparing to deploy 10,000 North Korean troops in the war against Kyiv. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that North Korean troops were already on Ukrainian territory. Reported AFPOn Thursday (17/10/2024), Zelensky said that the information was collected by intelligence. Zelensky has previously accused North Korea of ​​sending troops … Read more

Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés) is the real winner in Wallonia, DéFI is the big loser in Brussels

Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés) is the real winner in Wallonia, DéFI is the big loser in Brussels

“There is a real winner of the elections in Namur and he is called Maxime Prévot,” said De Meeûs. “It is clear that he is very popular and he is getting good results in several cities.” The editor-in-chief of La Libre a ‘ refers to Ottignies, Louvain-la-Neuve, Waver and Namur. In addition, Les Engagés has … Read more

Brussels, my love? Austria swings to the right

Brussels, my love? Austria swings to the right

Another week, another election, more significant gains for the far right. In Austria, the FPÖ beat the traditional conservatives from the ÖVP and achieved a historic high result on issues such as immigration and inflation. FPÖ top candidate Herbert Kickl dreams of a “Fortress Austria”. Why are right-wing populists so popular right now? Stefan Grobe … Read more

Ethnic profiling, TikTok politics and the use of voters’ personal data: diving into a worrying underground campaign

Ethnic profiling, TikTok politics and the use of voters’ personal data: diving into a worrying underground campaign

The method of Fouad Ahidar – a former Vooruit MP who positioned his movement as an identity lobby – is artisanal, but effective. For years, he has distributed his business card en masse in markets, inviting passers-by to send him an SMS. This approach allowed him to build an impressive database of telephone numbers, estimated … Read more

After Tintin, the Red Devils and Tomorrowland: the public can choose a new aircraft design for Brussels Airlines

After Tintin, the Red Devils and Tomorrowland: the public can choose a new aircraft design for Brussels Airlines

From professional designers to students in art schools: the designers are as diverse as the designs for the Airbus A320 itself, says Brussels Airlines. The most popular categories among the entries were cycling, art nouveau, Jean-Michel Folon and Adolphe Sax, as well as cartoon characters such as Lucky Luke and Marsupilami. “We evaluated the designs … Read more