Women Who Used to Break Through Courts Now Withdraw Sambo’s Hand Ahead of Prosecution

Women Who Used to Break Through Courts Now Withdraw Sambo’s Hand Ahead of Prosecution

Jakarta – Still remember Syarifah, the woman who broke into the sterile area during the trial Freddy Sambo some time ago? Now Syarifah came again to the courtroom. Syarifah desperately pulled Sambo’s hand as she entered the courtroom. monitoring detikcom in the main room of the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday (17/1/2022), at 10.35 WIB, … Read more

Sambo’s wife conveys her concerns, there is a problem of having an affair with Yosua-Kuat

Sambo’s wife conveys her concerns, there is a problem of having an affair with Yosua-Kuat

Jakarta – Princess Candrawathi conveyed his feelings regarding the murder case of Brigadier N Yosua Hutabarat which brought him to trial. One of the problems was the matter of an affair with Brigadier Yosua and Strong Ma’ruf. This was conveyed by Putri when she was being examined as a defendant in the trial following the … Read more

Sambo and Putri refuse to testify for each other

Sambo and Putri refuse to testify for each other

Jakarta – Former Kadiv Propam Polri Freddy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi refused to testify against each other at the trial for the murder of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat. Ferdy Sambo said he didn’t need to be a witness for his wife. Initially, Chief Justice Wahyu Iman Santoso said that in the upcoming trial Sambo would testify … Read more

Sambo says he is surprised to hear that the CCTV shows Yosua is still alive which is different from the scenario

Sambo says he is surprised to hear that the CCTV shows Yosua is still alive which is different from the scenario

Jakarta – Former Kadiv Propam Polri Freddy Sambo he admitted he was shocked when he learned that there was CCTV footage showing Brigadier N Yosua Hutabarat was still alive when he arrived at his official residence. Though Sambo made up a story that he arrived when Joshua had already been killed in a shootout with … Read more

Ferdy Sambo’s confession implicates his men in covering up Joshua’s assassination

Ferdy Sambo’s confession implicates his men in covering up Joshua’s assassination

Jakarta – Former Kadiv Propam Polri Freddy Sambo make a confession. Lui admitted feeling guilty for involving his men in the murder of Brigadier N Yosua Hutabarat and the destruction of CCTV. This statement was made by Sambo when he was a witness in the CCTV tampering trial obstructing the investigation into the murder of … Read more

Lie test expert presented as trial witness Ferdy Sambo et al

Lie test expert presented as trial witness Ferdy Sambo et al

Jakarta – Prosecutors introduce five experts to the murder trial Brigadier N Yosua Hutabarat. One of those featured was an expert polygraph or lie detector test who examined Ferdy Sambo and others during the police investigation phase. There were five defendants who appeared in court this time. The four defendants namely Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, … Read more