How household products are linked to multiple sclerosis and autism – 2024-03-29 04:40:08

How household products are linked to multiple sclerosis and autism
 – 2024-03-29 04:40:08

Researchers at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Ohio, USA, are “sounding the alarm” about the harmful effect that everyday chemicals have on the health of the human brain. According to their study published in the scientific journal “Nature Neuroscience”, chemicals contained in many products and objects we have in our homes … Read more

Groundbreaking Research Uncovers Eye-Brain Immunity Connection: Potential for New Treatments for Diseases

Groundbreaking Research Uncovers Eye-Brain Immunity Connection: Potential for New Treatments for Diseases

[Voice of Hope March 15, 2024](Editor: Li Zhi) People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. We use our eyes to observe the world, and we also use our eyes to express love, joy, indifference and boredom. In addition to the subjective emotional spillover, from an anatomical perspective, the eyes are an … Read more

Pork Tapeworm Brain Infection Caused by Undercooked Bacon: Case Published in American Journal of Case Reports

Pork Tapeworm Brain Infection Caused by Undercooked Bacon: Case Published in American Journal of Case Reports

A case of pork tapeworm brain infection published in the American Journal of Case Reports… Eating undercooked bacon caused persistent headaches Entered 2024.03.10 12:46 Entered 2024.03.10 12:46 Modified 2024.03.10 12:57 Views 26 Parasites were discovered in the brain of a 52-year-old man who complained of persistent migraines. What is shocking is that this man became … Read more

The Science Behind Doing Nothing: Exploring the Default Mode Network in Your Brain

The Science Behind Doing Nothing: Exploring the Default Mode Network in Your Brain

Just doing nothing (Image: Unsplash) Sometimes you just don’t have the energy and your day ends exactly as it started: lazing on the couch. At times like that it seems like your brain has nothing to do, but science thinks otherwise. When you’re doing something, like lifting weights at the gym or taking a difficult … Read more

Study Finds Middle-aged Individuals at High Risk for Alzheimer’s Have Lower Navigation Scores: Implications for Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Study Finds Middle-aged Individuals at High Risk for Alzheimer’s Have Lower Navigation Scores: Implications for Early Diagnosis and Treatment

Middle-aged people at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease have lower navigation scores compared to other cognitive abilities Entered 2024.03.01 19:00 Entered 2024.03.01 19:00 Modified 2024.03.01 18:49 Views 541 People at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease tended to have particularly low navigation scores even without symptoms. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A new study suggests that people who have difficulty finding … Read more

New Study Reveals Early Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease Development – Breakthrough Findings

Alzheimer’s wreaks silent havoc in the brain long before symptoms appear, and now scientists have new clues about the dominant sequence of those changes—a possible window to intervene one day. New discoveries in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease PHOTO Shutterstock A large study in China followed middle-aged and older adults for 20 years using regular … Read more