Baddeckestedt digitizes primary schools – Salzgitter Zeitung

Baddeckestedt digitizes primary schools – Salzgitter Zeitung

Baddeckestedt digitizes primary schools – Andrea Leifeld 29.03.2021, 15:16- – Reading time: 3 minutes – Work on the fire station in Sehlde is progressing. For the next few years, there are many more substantial investments to be made in the joint community: for example, the new construction of the town hall and the fire station … Read more

Ex- “Unter uns” star Nora Koppen: The baby is here

Ex- “Unter uns” star Nora Koppen: The baby is here

At the end of December, the actress announced her pregnancy, now her offspring has seen the light of day. Nora Koppen shared the good news with her fans on Instagram. Photo series with 19 pictures – For three years she could be seen almost every day as Elli Schneider in the RTL soap “Unter uns”, … Read more

“Harakiri” and “Fiasko”: tough words about the Brauschweiger household

“Harakiri” and “Fiasko”: tough words about the Brauschweiger household

Mbvtdiu nbo efs Sbutefcbuuf {vn Ibvtibmu- eboo hjcu ft {xfj w ÷ mmjh lpousåsf Tjdiuxfjtfo bvg ejf gjobo {jfmmf Mbhf efs Tubeu / Bvg efs fjofo Tfjuf tjoe wps bmmfn DEV voe GEQ; Tjf tqsfdifo bohftjdiut ipifs hfqmboufs Lsfejubvgobinfo erupts Jowftujujpofo WPO fouifnnufs Tdivmefobvgobinf- espifoefs Ýcfstdivmevoh Voe Iboemvohtvogåijhlfju EFS Tubeu- WPO Wfsbouxpsuvohtmptjhlfju- gjobo {jfmmfn Ibsbljsj … Read more

Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner became parents for the first time

Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner became parents for the first time

Two years after their wedding, the model and the businessman are happy to have offspring. Joshua Kushner shared the good news on Instagram and published a first snapshot of the baby. Photo series with 19 pictures – Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner celebrated their second wedding anniversary in October. A little later, the couple surprised … Read more

Despite Corona, rental prices are increasing in the region

Despite Corona, rental prices are increasing in the region

Braunschweig. In the crisis, the situation on the housing market hits many hard. For the tenants’ association, the rent brake is a “paper tiger”. – The Corona crisis hit many students hard. No parties, lectures only on the laptop – and above all, a lack of income. Luca Kienel from the Asta at the TU … Read more

These are the best young researchers in our region

These are the best young researchers in our region

The regional competition “Young people research and students experiment” took place over the weekend for the first time as a virtual competition. This is announced by the Braunschweig Foundation as the host. Around 100 participants from 18 schools took part in 59 projects. Competition manager Petra Aust looks back with satisfaction on the days of … Read more

The court rejects the lawsuit against the Heidkamp building area

The court rejects the lawsuit against the Heidkamp building area

The Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Lüneburg has ruled and dismissed another complaint by a resident against the planned “Heidkamp” building area with 40 building plots. The community has to swallow two toads, however. It has to bear the costs of the procedure and accept some requirements for the implementation in relation to the eastern grove. … Read more

41.9 degrees rise in temperature – Göttingen breaks record

41.9 degrees rise in temperature – Göttingen breaks record

Two weeks ago still freezing cold, now spring-like temperatures: February 2021 is a month of extremes and will definitely be remembered. Within a week, the German Weather Service (DWD) registered a temperature increase of 41.9 degrees in Göttingen. While a low of minus 23.8 degrees had been measured there on February 14, the high on … Read more

Braunschweig police want to address younger people via Instagram

Braunschweig police want to address younger people via Instagram

The Braunschweig Police Department launched its first personalized Instagram account on Friday. The police commissioner Liliana Raceanu will report there from now on from a personal point of view of her police work. The main target group are adolescents and young adults, explained the 27-year-old in the presence of police chief Michael Pientka. “But of … Read more

Grizzlys Wolfsburg is missing a win for the new Cortina record series

Grizzlys Wolfsburg is missing a win for the new Cortina record series

Is the winning streak of the grizzlies going? Wolfsburg’s first division ice hockey team has not lost four times in a row. If a fifth success is added on Tuesday evening (7.30 p.m.) at the Düsseldorfer EG, it would be a grizzly premiere for Pat Cortina. Since he has been the head coach at Lower … Read more