New York – From Hell’s Kitchen to world star: Alicia Keys turns 41

New York – From Hell’s Kitchen to world star: Alicia Keys turns 41

Hamburg (AP) – Almost exactly 20 years ago, Alicia Keys rose to become a Grammy Queen. The young artist, who immediately conquered the top of the American charts with her debut album “Songs In A Minor”, scooped up a total of five trophies. +++ Current Celebrity News +++ – The R&B musicians built a world … Read more

This habit bothers her, especially about Orlando Bloom

This habit bothers her, especially about Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have been dating since 2016. The singer has loved the actor for almost six years – with all his flaws. But one habit is particularly annoying in their relationship. Photo series with 11 pictures – They are among Hollywood’s dream couples: pop star Katy Perry and actor Orlando Bloom have … Read more

Free throw weakness – Braunschweig catching up remains unrewarded

Free throw weakness – Braunschweig catching up remains unrewarded

Wps mffsfo Såohfo xfhfo efs Qboefnjf- bcfs wps efo Bvhfo wpo =tuspoh?M÷xfo.Hftdiågutgýisfs Ojmt Njuunboo=0tuspoh?- Ubmfoufouxjdlmfs =tuspoh?Mjwjv Dbmjo =0tuspoh?voe Obdixvditlppsejobups Tufqibo W÷mlfm fnqgjohfo ejf Sfhjpobmmjhb.Cbtlfucbmmfs efs TH bmt Gbsnufbn efs Cvoeftmjhb.M÷xfo jn fstufo Tqjfm=b isfgµ#iuuqt;00xxx/ifmntufeufs.obdisjdiufo/ef0tqpsu0sfhjpobmtqpsu0csbvotdixfjh0bsujdmf34537193:0Mvexjh.vfcfssbtdifoe.ofvfs.Usbjofs.cfj.efs.TH.Csbvotdixfjh/iunm# ujumfµ#Mvexjh ýcfssbtdifoe ofvfs Usbjofs cfj efs TH Csbvotdixfjh # ebub.usbdljohµ#bsujdmfcpez . efgbvmu } 2#? voufs efn ofvfo Dpbdi Tfcbtujbo Mvexjh =0b?ejf … Read more

“Godmother of Punk”: cultural icon from New York

“Godmother of Punk”: cultural icon from New York

New York (AP) – The story of Patti Smith, it is one of unbridled artistic urge during one of the wildest times in one of the most electrifying cities in the world. +++ Current Celebrity News +++ – The New York author and musician has long since gone from being an American cult figure to … Read more

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are divorced – ten years after their separation

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are divorced – ten years after their separation

On paper, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are now officially divorced. The divorce process lasted over ten years. There doesn’t seem to be any bad blood between the two of them. After ten years, the divorce between actor and ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and journalist Maria Shriver is over. The corresponding documents are said to have … Read more

Evelyn Burdecki has lost her father

Evelyn Burdecki has lost her father

Evelyn Burdecki is currently not in the mood for fun. The TV celebrity mourns her father. According to a media report, he “died suddenly of a heart attack”. Photo series with 13 pictures – The otherwise jolly and always cheerful Evelyn Burdecki has to cope with a heavy loss. The TV star’s father died at … Read more

Basketball LIVE at MagentaSport – easyCredit BBL: Berlin hospital clears: Eriksson with 19 points against MBC / “Solide” Bayern give Oldenburg no chance – Hamburg humiliates Göttingen

Basketball LIVE at MagentaSport – easyCredit BBL: Berlin hospital clears: Eriksson with 19 points against MBC / “Solide” Bayern give Oldenburg no chance – Hamburg humiliates Göttingen

Munich (ots) – Bayern defy the constant stress and win 93:80 against Oldenburg. “We showed a very solid game,” said a delighted coach Andrea Trinchieri. Although the game was decided early on, the young players were only allowed to play very late. “Before I let someone on the court, they have to show me something … Read more

ARD presenter Mareile Höppner presents a new hairstyle – in a red leather look

ARD presenter Mareile Höppner presents a new hairstyle – in a red leather look

Everything is new in October: Mareile Höppner shows her fans not only in leather, but also with significantly shorter hair. The fans have a clear opinion about the new look. Photo series with 14 pictures – She is one of the most popular presenters in Germany and enjoys a steadily growing following on Instagram with … Read more

Medical campus: Wolfsburg remains self-confident – Wolfsburger Nachrichten

Medical campus: Wolfsburg remains self-confident – Wolfsburger Nachrichten

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That’s how much he pays with his wife Laura

That’s how much he pays with his wife Laura

The singer sold his property at a great profit, but is not returning to Germany. t-online knows where Michael Wendler and his wife Laura have ended up and how much they are paying for their new place to stay. Photo series with 14 pictures – A Legal proceedings for thwarting a foreclosure, a million dollar … Read more