Can frozen Russian money offset German aid to Ukraine?

Can frozen Russian money offset German aid to Ukraine?

Mr. Heinemann, there has been a lot of talk recently about interest income from frozen Russian assets. This is supposedly intended to compensate for possible cuts in German aid to Ukraine. What kind of frozen money are we talking about?First of all, it is important to stress that the money whose interest we are talking … Read more

“Traffic light” has no money – Shock for Ukraine: Scholz no longer wants to pay

“Traffic light” has no money – Shock for Ukraine: Scholz no longer wants to pay

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Pistorius: More money for the Bundeswehr, do more in the Indo-Pacific

Pistorius: More money for the Bundeswehr, do more in the Indo-Pacific

Pistorius: “Over the two percent threshold, and quickly” In his speech to the security policy think tank in Hawaii, the Federal Minister of Defense committed to spending two percent of Germany’s economic output on defense. But it should not remain at these two percent of gross domestic product. Pistorius said “we must go beyond the … Read more

“That is the one technique to cease Putin”: Economists need more cash for the Bundeswehr

“That is the one technique to cease Putin”: Economists need more cash for the Bundeswehr

A number of economists are pushing for increased prices for the Bundeswehr. “We have to make investments far more in our protection capability,” mentioned the top of the so-called financial specialists, Monika Schnitzer, on Monday to the t-online information portal. If the US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wins the election, Germany is in larger … Read more