347 million euros raised for Canopia, future shopping and green artery near Bordeaux train station

347 million euros raised for Canopia, future shopping and green artery near Bordeaux train station

By Jean Cittone Posted 2 hours ago, Updated 1 hour ago ” data-script=” > This imposing project plans to create a 600-metre-long “park-street” between Saint-Jean station and the quays, in order to create a commercial artery in this dilapidated district. Le Figaro Bordeaux The stone city is changing. In the Saint-Jean train station district of … Read more

Burglars Fail to Open Cash Register After Breaking into Bakery with Stolen Vehicle in Saint-Loubès, Gironde

Burglars Fail to Open Cash Register After Breaking into Bakery with Stolen Vehicle in Saint-Loubès, Gironde

The burglars were driving a stolen vehicle. NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP During the night from Saturday to Sunday, a vehicle was stolen and was used to break the window of a bakery in Saint-Loubès (Gironde). The thieves, however, failed to open the cash register. Le Figaro Bordeaux They left empty-handed. This Saturday, September 2, a … Read more

Petition Circulates to Save Landes de Juzan Forest in Basque Country from Arkinova Development Project

Petition Circulates to Save Landes de Juzan Forest in Basque Country from Arkinova Development Project

In the Basque Country, the Landes de Juzan forest could disappear because of the development of the Arkinova technopolitan site, which would involve reducing classified wooded areas. A petition is circulating to prevent this project from seeing the light of day. Par John Cittone Posted on 04/11/2023 at 7:23 p.m. This content is not accessible. … Read more