Frequent Vomiting Misdiagnosed as Allergies Leads to Tragic Death at 6 Months: What Went Wrong?

Frequent Vomiting Misdiagnosed as Allergies Leads to Tragic Death at 6 Months: What Went Wrong?

The Heartbreaking Story of Baby Louis:⁢ A 6-Month-Old’s Battle with a Brain Tumor The tragic ⁣story of ⁤Baby Louis ​Moss, who passed away at just six ‌months old⁣ due⁣ to ‌a brain tumor,​ has touched hearts ‌worldwide. ‍His parents, who initially believed⁢ his symptoms ⁢were caused ‍by a milk allergy and toothache, were devastated ⁣to … Read more

Morning Eggs, Evening Fish: How My Body Reacted

Morning Eggs, Evening Fish: How My Body Reacted

unlocking the Deliciousness of Pollack: A culinary and Nutritional ⁢Deep Dive In today’s health-conscious‌ world, the quest for protein is‌ at an all-time high.⁣ Many turn to supplements, a sometimes desperate attempt to maintain muscle mass. Though, nature offers a superior solution: ⁣ whole, unprocessed foods. ‌ If you’re looking for a tasty and ⁤nutritious … Read more

Syrian First Lady Files for Divorce Amidst President’s Escape

Syrian First Lady Files for Divorce Amidst President’s Escape

Asma al-Assad‘s ⁣Divorce Filing Shakes Up​ Syrian Exile‌ in Moscow Table of Contents Asma al-Assad’s ⁣Divorce Filing Shakes Up​ Syrian Exile‌ in Moscow The Assad Regime: Opulence Amidst Crisis Asma al-Assad Seeks Divorce,Raising Questions about Assad​ Regime’s‍ Future⁢ ⁢ The ‘Summer of Divorce’: Speculation and Reality Life⁢ Under⁤ Putin’s Protection A Stark Contrast: Opulence ⁣Amidst … Read more

Ryan Reynolds’ Personal Trainer’s 11 Daily Supplements

Ryan Reynolds’ Personal Trainer’s 11 Daily Supplements

Celebrity Trainer Don Saladino Reveals His Daily Supplement Routine For Razor Sharp Focus and Peak Performance Don Saladino, the celebrity personal trainer renowned for sculpting the physiques of A-list actors like Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, isn’t just about diet and exercise. He believes in optimizing every aspect of health, including a carefully curated approach … Read more

World’s first successful complete robotic transplantation of both lungs

World’s first successful complete robotic transplantation of both lungs

New York University Langone Health successfully performs surgery on a 57-year-old female patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease input 2024.11.23 22:04 input 2024.11.23 22:04correction 2024.11.23 19:54 Views 95 The world’s first complete robotic lung transplant surgery was successfully performed on a woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The world’s first complete robotic lung transplant … Read more

“I need to go on a diet” even though I only have bones… Why are people like this?

“I need to go on a diet” even though I only have bones… Why are people like this?

Body image affects mental health… focus on body function rather than appearance input 2024.10.22 11:30 input 2024.10.22 11:30 Views 374 If you’re serious about dieting even if you’re ‘bone dry’, you should look into the mental health risks caused by poor body image. [사진=클립아트코리아]Even with slim bodies, there are quite a few people who are … Read more

“I feel sleepy all day”… Can you tell in 2 minutes if you have chronic drowsiness?

“I need to go on a diet” even though I only have bones… Why are people like this?

Development of an electroencephalographic measurement method that diagnoses in just 2 minutes. input 2024.10.21 22:04 input 2024.10.21 22:04correction 2024.10.21 12:17 Views 0 It used to take a day to diagnose chronic drowsiness, but a method that can measure it in just two minutes has been developed. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A new brain-based measurement method has been developed that … Read more

[콕!건강]Today is ‘Osteoporosis Day’… Not only women but also men should be careful

[콕!건강]Today is ‘Osteoporosis Day’… Not only women but also men should be careful

October 20th is <a href="" title="Osteoporosis Only Attacks Parents, Really? : Okezone Trends”>World Osteoporosis Day, established by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). Osteoporosis is a disease for which the importance of prevention is being emphasized as the population ages. Osteoporosis is known to mainly occur in women after middle age, but the number of male … Read more

Preventing Oral Senescence in the Elderly: Importance of Oral Health

Preventing Oral Senescence in the Elderly: Importance of Oral Health

[김현정의 입속 탐험] Entered 2024.03.15 08:38 Entered 2024.03.15 08:38 Modified 2024.03.14 16:39 Views 135 As we age, our muscles decrease, we lose weight, our limbs become thinner, and the muscles in our mouth also degenerate. The main functions of the oral cavity are chewing, swallowing, and speaking. 2017 Professor Katsuya Iijima, University of Tokyo, Japan[1]Presenting … Read more