Corona researcher: “Boris Johnson will be responsible for the deaths of thousands”

Corona researcher: “Boris Johnson will be responsible for the deaths of thousands”

Dhe virus no longer goes away. There is no return to our old lives, ”says Richard Horton, editor of the world’s most important medical journal, The Lancet, for 25 years. The Briton is outraged by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his chief advisers, who in Horton’s eyes discredit the entire industry. “Your explanations were, if … Read more

Brexit: What a “No Deal 2.0” means for Germany

Brexit: What a “No Deal 2.0” means for Germany

Dhe daily video press conference of the EU Commission is the place where correspondents in Brussels address urgent questions to the authority. Brussels coordinates border openings and vacation rules in the Corona crisis, puts together a 750 billion euro stimulus package with two dozen legal texts and a new draft for the one trillion euro … Read more

Corona pandemic: British are now worried about their prime minister

Corona pandemic: British are now worried about their prime minister

NThere were very few details on Tuesday evening about the reasons why Boris Johnson had been transferred to the intensive care unit. “During the afternoon, the prime minister’s condition deteriorated. On the advice of his doctors, he was taken to the hospital’s intensive care unit, ”it said. At least at the beginning of his move, … Read more

Corona in England: The health system is reaching its limits

Corona in England: The health system is reaching its limits

foreign countries Corona virus in the UK The British health system is already reaching its limits – – Status: 01:51 a.m. | Reading time: 4 minutes – – – – “Johnson uses his illness to appeal to the British to stay at home” – – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for the … Read more