One Easy Routine when Going to the Office Can Help You Get Rid of a Distended Stomach, Let’s Get Used to It!

One Easy Routine when Going to the Office Can Help You Get Rid of a Distended Stomach, Let’s Get Used to It!

Most office workers are required to sit at a desk for approximately 8 hours. Unfortunately, a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle does not only contribute bloated stomach, but also increases the risk of chronic disease. To overcome this, it is important to exercise regularly so that you stay fit and able to maintain body weight ideal. … Read more

Not because of lifestyle, this one factor is the main cause of problems with a distended stomach approaching the age of 50!

Not because of lifestyle, this one factor is the main cause of problems with a distended stomach approaching the age of 50!

Having a flat stomach is the dream of many people. Apart from being good for health, body weight and getting rid of excess belly fat can also boost one’s self-confidence. However, this may be a bit difficult for women to realize when they are approaching the age of 50. Women will experience menopause as a … Read more

Muscle Cramps, Affecting Factors and Tips to Overcome Them

Muscle Cramps, Affecting Factors and Tips to Overcome Them

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Charley horse another term cramp condition muscles. Conditions when the muscles suddenly tense up by themselves and can’t relax. Muscle cramps are most often experienced in the legs and feet. Collect WebMDeven though it hurts a lot, hug muscle is not a dangerous condition. This condition usually lasts for a few seconds … Read more

Factors that increase the risk of diabetes.. How to live a healthy lifestyle

Factors that increase the risk of diabetes.. How to live a healthy lifestyle

Many suffer from it Diabetes and many people with Bdiabetic Those with the first and second types are unaware of their condition and do not discover the disease, which affects their health and puts them at risk. And according to Fredhutch, some of the risk factors for diabetes can be controlled through the lifestyle choices … Read more

Despite the abundance of sunlight, why are Indonesians still deficient in vitamin D?

Despite the abundance of sunlight, why are Indonesians still deficient in vitamin D?

TIME.CO, Jakarta – One way to prevent that from happening vitamin D deficiency is to get food sunlight enough for the skin. Even so, Indonesia, a country very rich in sunlight, lacks it vitamin D they remain vulnerable to the community. Because? Indonesia is a tropical country located near the equator. This causes the sun … Read more