A link to dementia was found in the mouth – Several other risks – 2024-04-27 16:04:52

A link to dementia was found in the mouth – Several other risks
 – 2024-04-27 16:04:52

Oral health is connected to dementia and also to cardiovascular diseases, among other things. Poor oral health may be associated with an increased risk of dementia in people over 70 years of age. The risk of getting sick is especially increased by toothlessness and chewing difficulties. In the study, the absence of several teeth was … Read more

Katja Ståhl suffered from back pain for a long time – “Nickling” was found to help – 2024-04-26 14:44:49

Katja Ståhl suffered from back pain for a long time – “Nickling” was found to help
 – 2024-04-26 14:44:49

Katja Ståhl suffered from stressful back pain for years, but now she has found the tricks to keep her back in good shape. Reporter, host Katja Ståhl says in an interview with Hyvä skürla magazine that he has suffered from many types of back pain over the years and also from a witch’s arrow. Periods … Read more

With this easy method, you can curb central obesity effectively – “Multi-faceted health bomb” Traini24.4. 16:01 – 2024-04-25 02:20:17

With this easy method, you can curb central obesity effectively – “Multi-faceted health bomb” Traini24.4.  16:01
 – 2024-04-25 02:20:17

With this easy method, you can curb central obesity effectively – “Multi-faceted health bomb” Traini24.4. 16:01 #easy #method #curb #central #obesity #effectively #Multifaceted #health #bomb #Traini24.4

There is one forgotten area of ​​the body, the caressing of which takes the pleasure to the top – Technique that produces resultsBody19.4. 20:00 – 2024-04-22 13:16:42

There is one forgotten area of ​​the body, the caressing of which takes the pleasure to the top – Technique that produces resultsBody19.4.  20:00
 – 2024-04-22 13:16:42

There is one forgotten area of ​​the body, the caressing of which takes the pleasure to the top – Technique that produces resultsBody19.4. 20:00 #forgotten #area #body #caressing #takes #pleasure #top #Technique #produces #resultsBody19.4

A new situation regarding breast cancer in Finland – 2024-04-17 02:10:46

A new situation regarding breast cancer in Finland
 – 2024-04-17 02:10:46

The Duodecim magazine article states that the expansion of breast cancer screenings is medically justified. In Finland, breast cancer screenings started in 1987. Adobe Stock / AOP Finland used to be a pioneer in breast cancer screening, but now we are clearly lagging behind. This is stated in an article by the Medical Journal Duodecim. … Read more

If the lower back is constantly painful, the cause of the symptoms can often be found in this muscle – it could even be a syndrome – 2024-04-16 22:31:47

If the lower back is constantly painful, the cause of the symptoms can often be found in this muscle – it could even be a syndrome
 – 2024-04-16 22:31:47

Health If a person suffers from constant lower back pain, the explanation may be found in a certain muscle in the back. At worst, the symptoms can indicate a syndrome that requires a doctor’s help. Here is a simple five-movement workout that can help heal the pain. Yesterday at 16:00 #constantly #painful #symptoms #muscle #syndrome

Mysterious inflammation is not visible, but can be found in the background of many common diseases – 2024-04-16 21:28:33

Mysterious inflammation is not visible, but can be found in the background of many common diseases
 – 2024-04-16 21:28:33

Low-grade inflammation can affect many parts of the body and cause many health problems. Low-grade inflammation is caused by unhealthy lifestyles. ADOBE STOCK / AOP Low-grade inflammation cannot be felt or seen, but it can still cause many health problems. Low-grade inflammation refers to a condition where neurotransmitters that increase inflammation are secreted, especially from … Read more

If the lower back is constantly painful, the cause of the symptoms can often be found in this muscle – it could even be a syndrome – 2024-04-16 16:08:45

If the lower back is constantly painful, the cause of the symptoms can often be found in this muscle – it could even be a syndrome
 – 2024-04-16 16:08:45

Health If a person suffers from constant lower back pain, the explanation may be found in a certain muscle in the back. At worst, the symptoms can indicate a syndrome that requires a doctor’s help. Here is a simple five-movement workout that can help heal the pain. Today at 16:00 #constantly #painful #symptoms #muscle #syndrome