Smaller chance of corona infection and better sooner –

Smaller chance of corona infection and better sooner –

We should all take vitamin D against corona. A group of renowned scientists says in the AD that there is enough evidence that it helps. They are even angry that the government is not giving official advice on it. Two months ago, experts also called for vitamin D to be taken as a precaution. In … Read more

More infectious British corona variant is advancing further –

More infectious British corona variant is advancing further –

A more contagious British variant of the corona virus is advancing further. Now Ireland also reports that the mutation has surfaced in the country. Irish authorities hope to clarify the spread of the mutant virus in the country soon. In Europe it had previously been found in the Netherlands and Germany. The highly contagious mutation … Read more

From Aleph to Taw | Jewish general

From Aleph to Taw |  Jewish general

The Torah teaches that the world was created through the speaking of G-d. So it says at the beginning of the creation story: »Gdsaid: Let there be light. And there was light ”(Genesis 1: 3). In the morning prayer it is said: “Praise be to the one who spoke and the world came into being.” … Read more

“We will soon be celebrating life” –

“We will soon be celebrating life” –

We are creatures of habit and this is not the first pandemic humanity is going through so, Dr Nicholas Christakis predicts, we are going to experience another ‘roaring twenties’, just like after the Spanish flu of 1918. “Often a period of exuberant social Interaction.” Not newYale professor and social epidemiologist Christakis describes in his new … Read more

Scientists discover genes that explain serious course of Covid-19 –

Scientists discover genes that explain serious course of Covid-19 –

Until now it was largely a mystery why one gets seriously ill from the corona virus, while the other remains virtually without complaints. A new study sheds a little more light on the matter: there are believed to be eight strands of DNA that influence the course of Covid-19. The genetic sequences are more common … Read more

More real support for electrification and less marketing

More real support for electrification and less marketing

The automobile, mobility, transportation in general makes all society faces a profound change with the arrival of electrification, the autonomous car or the shared vehicle. All these changes are going to affect our habits, the way we move and therefore we they will change life. Beyond the changes that will affect our way of life, … Read more

Does the pill that dermatologists prescribe to get hair out cause impotence?

Does the pill that dermatologists prescribe to get hair out cause impotence?

Mae West said, “A man can be short and plump and bald, but if it has fire, women will like it ”. Ok, it’s true. But if we have more hair, the better. If you notice, the presidents of the Government of Spain have always had a lot of hair (except Calvo-Sotelo). And if you … Read more

Spectacular drone images of the collapse of the second largest telescope in the world –

Spectacular drone images of the collapse of the second largest telescope in the world –

This week, the world’s second largest radio telescope suddenly collapsed. Drone images show how the cables holding the platform of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico snap in place one by one. The telescope weighs 900 tons and the whole has a diameter of 300 meters. Hurricane Maria already caused considerable damage in 2017. … Read more

Is this the corona photo? Arts tells a story –

Is this the corona photo?  Arts tells a story –

An American doctor, who was at work for the 251st day in a row, gave a corona patient in the hospital a comforting hug. The photo went around the world in recent days as a picture that is typical of the corona pandemic. Now the doctor at CNN tells his story. Chief physician Joseph Varon … Read more

‘Testing and treatment of HIV patients disrupted by corona’ –

‘Testing and treatment of HIV patients disrupted by corona’ –

AMSTERDAM (ANP) – The corona pandemic also affects the fight against HIV, the virus that can cause AIDS. Almost three quarters of all current HIV testing programs and more than half of all treatment programs have been seriously disrupted by corona, the Aidsfonds concluded. According to the fund, the number of HIV infections is increasing … Read more